Ever hear of ah gazillion dollar federal project once called "The Dangerfield Reach" ?
Lone Star Steel wanted it. E. Tx. Chambers of Commerce wanted it. Jefferson even wanted it (tourist barges - riverboat gambling possibility).
BUT Caddo Lake folks, environmentalist (and Bop) fought it.
Guess who won ?
How would you like a barge canal in your backyard ?
(Well, Alaska did have their "bridge to nowhere" did they not ?)
Lone Star Steel wanted it. E. Tx. Chambers of Commerce wanted it. Jefferson even wanted it (tourist barges - riverboat gambling possibility).
BUT Caddo Lake folks, environmentalist (and Bop) fought it.
Guess who won ?
How would you like a barge canal in your backyard ?
(Well, Alaska did have their "bridge to nowhere" did they not ?)