One 1912 evening at the local Opera House during a performance of a singing family troup from New York, "the Six Mascots", there was a sudden loud interruption by shouts from outside about a runaway mule.
The audience hurried outside to see what was happening.
When they returned Groucho, angered by the interruption made snide comments about the audience, including "Nacogdoches is full of roaches" and "The jackass is the flower of Tex-ass."
Instead of becoming angry, the audience laughed.
Call it a twist of fate but the almost obscure vaudeville family (performing in the sticks) realized they had potential as a comic troup.
The rest was vaudeville, movie and TV history.
Chico - 1887-1961
Harpo - 1888-1961
Gummo - 1892-1977
Zeppo - 1901-1979
[This message has been edited by BeBopAg (edited 1/1/2012 7:54p).]
The audience hurried outside to see what was happening.
When they returned Groucho, angered by the interruption made snide comments about the audience, including "Nacogdoches is full of roaches" and "The jackass is the flower of Tex-ass."
Instead of becoming angry, the audience laughed.
Call it a twist of fate but the almost obscure vaudeville family (performing in the sticks) realized they had potential as a comic troup.
The rest was vaudeville, movie and TV history.
Chico - 1887-1961
Harpo - 1888-1961
Gummo - 1892-1977
Zeppo - 1901-1979
[This message has been edited by BeBopAg (edited 1/1/2012 7:54p).]