Thanks, you are right- we visited V. Montez and had dinner on recomendation a coupe of weeks ago. It was nice but for a group our size it was just a little too spread out being an old house w/ rooms etc. for a group our size. Looking to have everyone together for speaches and what not.
The idea for the lake location was mentioned but it seemed a little hard to find for a group of mostly Dallas, Houston, Austin out of tonwers.
We also really liked the upstairs room setup at "don jauns on the square" which we thought was perfect, unfortunately their management refuses to rent it out on Fridays ( though they will on other days...)
I dont think their original don jauns is of the same caliber of setting so they are currently not an option. I have spoken to the GM at Mercados and will be visiting it. We live in Dallas so we are trying to stop by as many as we can when we go through Tyler.
Please keep the suggestions coming, thanks!