Lufkin is not bad and is growing quick, but I would send my kids to school at hudson or central (both small towns to the west/northwest of lufkin). They both have great schools.
Stay away from Nac!!!!
[This message has been edited by Drifter2123 (edited 7/20/2009 6:51p).]
Tyler isd has the best schools out of those. if you want to live on the southside and out of town a little, look at flint and grasham. they are in TISD
No I wont put them in the same category its just your pick... Want Schools---in a small town but still within a short drive of a larger city - Lindale... in larger town-Tyler.
South Tyler is developing but don't just look there. There are nice areas on the East Side of Tyler. The Pollard Area, Azalea District and the McDonald/Golden Road area are nice too.
South is newer. You'll find a lot of track homes going up that are cheap too.