I was one day away from being admitted to the Academy in Austin to try to become a Texas State Trooper. The lady going through my questionnaire before my polygraph noticed I answered that I had tried marijuana twice before. (I put this on my initial application almost 3 months prior). Their policy makes it impossible for me to be admitted to the academy until three years has elapsed since my lapse in judgement. Basically, they overlooked my situation for the three months as I drove back and forth to the DPS, Garland, and finally Austin before realizing they had wasted my time, as well as their own. I'm in the Tyler/Jacksonville area now and am trying to get some kind of income. Graduated from A&M in December and have worked multiple different jobs. My degree was in Agribusiness, and I took several classes in engineering and construction. Anybody want to make me believe in the Aggie Network? Message or reply with any questions.