I use this site for searching and its decent:
www.tylerhomes.comI agree that Azalea District or south is the place to be. The neighborhood around Woods Elementary has some great homes and its a well established area with lots of hills and trees, plus very convenient to all of Tyler.
I'd try to stay in 75701 or 75703. Tyler schools suck so if you can afford that price range you can probably afford private schools at some point, but it helps your home value if you keep it in the Woods/Rice elem, Hubbard middle, Lee HS. Though I hear that Whitehouse is the good place to be these days. That's funny.
My gripe with Charleston Park would be the location and PG can correct me but is it Chappel Hill Schools?
Here's a couple that I think would be pretty cool, but may need some updating
http://www.tylerhomes.com/listings.htm?action=details&Type=MLS_Residential&LN=9983892http://www.tylerhomes.com/listings.htm?action=details&Type=MLS_Residential&LN=9981216http://www.tylerhomes.com/listings.htm?action=details&Type=MLS_Residential&LN=9981265And there's one on 6th that won't come up on my computer but sound like it might be decent.
[This message has been edited by SlowLane (edited 1/9/2009 12:54p).]