If you are looking for:
Big bar with lots of people go to the Down Under Pub. Its on the corner of Broadyway and Grnade.
Small bar with college aged people go to Where's Rufus. Is accross broadway from the Down Under Pub.
Strip Club go to Time Out. Its on Grande and HW 64 (I think). Its got a $20 cover charge and its BYOB
Redneck hillbilly bar go to the Electic Cowboy. It on 110 just north of loop 323 next to a Bennigans.
If you want to shoot pool go to Clicks. Its accross 110 from the E.C.
Most places in Tyler are very casual, but the bars will close at 12 on friday and 1 on saturday. Also, all the bars are now non-smoking, so if you need to light one up you have to go outside.
Damn I wish I would be intown.