Well I headed to OKC last weekend.
After arriving I proceeded to go to my favorite watering hole where I got as f'd up as A-Rod's “alternative” life style. I ran into to a fat chick that I used to bang out all the time. She was with her friends, who I dubbed "The Herd" and after the bar closed we went back to my friend’s house and kept drinking. Around 3 in the morning I looked up and I was in bed with said fat chick and I decided it would be a good idea to knock a piece of poon, WRONG! I forgot how much of psycho she is, but I broke one off in her two more time that morning.
Well Saturday I went to an Indian casino in OKC where I dropped $400. Then we headed to another friends house to watch the UFC fight.
We thought it would be a good idea to play beer pong. After we killed 3 cases we decided to leave, the only problem was that I was the most sober one of the group. So I was nominated to drive home. Made it ok, but nearly got kicked out of Taco Bell for "flagrant use of Profanity".
Got up on Sunday and headed home.
Good Weekend!!
[This message has been edited by UltraAggie (edited 4/21/2008 3:56p).]