OK. I am trying to post a thought that will not sound sarcastic or reflect my frustration with the revolving door that seems to have been installed at the coach’s office. Everyone was calling for Slocum’s head and expected immediate replacement with a coach that could get us in contention for a national championship. That did not happen. Was it because there had not been sufficient time to prospect for the right person? Was it because there was a lack of options? Was it because the powers that be had it in their minds who was going to take the reins regardless of who was out there or who was willing.
Here we go again.
I know it is important to get the new coach in place promptly enough to give him time to teach his scheme/philosophy but, sometimes it takes patience on all parts to find the right person. If Steve Spurrier jumped up and said “here I am!” Do we jump? If Lou Holtz came out of retirement do we consider that? I know deals are made behind the scenes well in advance but come on, please take the time to find the right person this time and also be willing to take some of the blame yourselves if the choice turns out to be less than perfect.
I’m done for now ... thanks for listening.
Here we go again.
I know it is important to get the new coach in place promptly enough to give him time to teach his scheme/philosophy but, sometimes it takes patience on all parts to find the right person. If Steve Spurrier jumped up and said “here I am!” Do we jump? If Lou Holtz came out of retirement do we consider that? I know deals are made behind the scenes well in advance but come on, please take the time to find the right person this time and also be willing to take some of the blame yourselves if the choice turns out to be less than perfect.
I’m done for now ... thanks for listening.