Champion of the Barrio Orders: Legacy of Coach Buryl Baty
holli.koster@tamu.eduR. Gaines Baty 256 pp. 40 b&w photos. Index.College Station: Texas A&MUniversity Press. $24.95 clothPublication Date: February 9, 2015 " . . . Champion of the Barrio is an important contributionto our understanding of the power of sports to reach, teach and transform and a
vivid portrait of an inspirational figure...."--Alexander
Wolff, author, Big Game, Small World: A Basketball Adventure BiographyPortrays Winning Athlete, Coach, Pioneer in Fight against Bigotry in 1950s El Paso COLLEGE STATIONIn 1950 Buryl Baty (1924-1954), after serving inWWII and quarterbacking the Texas Aggies during the glory days of the SWC,
became head football coach at Bowie High School in El Paso. There, he inspired
his athletes, all Mexican Americans from the Segundo Barrio, with his winning
ways and his personal stand against the era's extreme, deep-seated bigotry to
which the players were subjected. However,just as the team was in a position to win a third championship in 1954, they
were jolted by an unthinkable tragedy that turned their worlds upside down. Later,as adults, these players reflected on Coach Baty's lasting inspiration and
influence, and 44 years after the coach's death, they dedicated their high
school stadium in his name. The El Paso Athletic Hall of Fame followed suit by installing Baty in the EPAHOF Class of 2013. Inthis poignant memoir, Coach Baty's son, R. Gaines Baty, describes his own
journey to know his father. He portrays Baty's life and accomplishments through
the perspectives of nearly 100 individuals who knew him, in addition to many
documented facts and news reports. Additional endorsements are provided
by Raymond Berry, Gene Stallings, Ray Sanchez, Nolan Richardson, Kent Hance and
Roger Staubach. See for moreinformation.
Champion of the Barrio Orders: Legacy of Coach Buryl Baty
holli.koster@tamu.eduR. Gaines Baty 256 pp. 40 b&w photos. Index.College Station: Texas A&MUniversity Press. $24.95 clothPublication Date: February 9, 2015 " . . . Champion of the Barrio is an important contributionto our understanding of the power of sports to reach, teach and transform and a
vivid portrait of an inspirational figure...."--Alexander
Wolff, author, Big Game, Small World: A Basketball Adventure BiographyPortrays Winning Athlete, Coach, Pioneer in Fight against Bigotry in 1950s El Paso COLLEGE STATIONIn 1950 Buryl Baty (1924-1954), after serving inWWII and quarterbacking the Texas Aggies during the glory days of the SWC,
became head football coach at Bowie High School in El Paso. There, he inspired
his athletes, all Mexican Americans from the Segundo Barrio, with his winning
ways and his personal stand against the era's extreme, deep-seated bigotry to
which the players were subjected. However,just as the team was in a position to win a third championship in 1954, they
were jolted by an unthinkable tragedy that turned their worlds upside down. Later,as adults, these players reflected on Coach Baty's lasting inspiration and
influence, and 44 years after the coach's death, they dedicated their high
school stadium in his name. The El Paso Athletic Hall of Fame followed suit by installing Baty in the EPAHOF Class of 2013. Inthis poignant memoir, Coach Baty's son, R. Gaines Baty, describes his own
journey to know his father. He portrays Baty's life and accomplishments through
the perspectives of nearly 100 individuals who knew him, in addition to many
documented facts and news reports. Additional endorsements are provided
by Raymond Berry, Gene Stallings, Ray Sanchez, Nolan Richardson, Kent Hance and
Roger Staubach. See for moreinformation.