Son is sitting in the #1 spot going into Sr year in HS next year by 1/10 of a grade point. And, he wants to take some independent study classes to further his Computer Language Programming skills where #2 in the class (and a good friend my son’s who we has convinced to go to A&M as well after years of hauling that kid down for games) is loading up on +5 AP classes to try to over take my son for valedictorian....
15 undergrad hours in the School of Engineering (Son wants to double in Math and what ever they call Comp Sci at TAMU these days) will set you back a total for Tuition and Fees of $4,600+ per semester...
Guess who else is loading up on +5 AP classes to keep his spot and get his tuition covered in Aggieland?? He can continue his Comp Programming on his own time
He is at State Comp Sci and Science UIL right now and does not know it, but he will be changing his schedule upon his return for the fall.
BTW, problem with Tuition and College cost are the same as the problem with our secondary public schooling in this country:
Too much government and not enough competition....Get the state funding out of it, get the tenure out of it and unlimited Federal loans to students who should not even be going to college, and prices would plunge and plummet.