htxag09 said:
terradactylexpress said:
Tell me you live in cypress without telling me you live in cypress
Curious how that poster is wrong?
I mean Evestor left off a pretty big damn market....Well to do folks staying in town (Memorial Villages, West U, Oak Forest, etc.). Probably the hottest markets in Houston. Most of those pockets haven't slowed down at all.
If it's obvious that anyone lives in Cypress...or another's Evestor based on his summary of the Houston market.
I read the message as him saying to AgLA06 that evestor lives in Cypress.
Houston metro area would be like the 15th or 16th largest state population-wise in America and has almost 100,000 millionaires (5th highest in US after NY, LA, Chicago, Bay Area).
Any broad brush comment about Houston housing or neighborhoods or lifestyle will be wrong because it is just way too big; even submarkets within Houston are bigger than most American cities.