BQ_90 said:
bribes will probable be cheaper and more effective
I represented a company who bid on City of Houston cleaning contracts (for buildings). They were awarded but the vote to approved by council was held up. A certain city councilman told our client's representative that the contracts had to have some percentage of minority ownership. Our client rep says they're 100% Hispanic-owned. Said councilman said...."not the right kind of minority".
We got our lobbyist in to start going around to everyone on council and the mayor and politely raising a stink. Finally got the vote through.
Some of the buildings to be cleaned were fire stations. The firemen were shocked when cleaning crews arrived. They had always just done them themselves. Apparently, the prior vendor just pocketed the money from the contract but didn't provide services.
Another case did involve a city employee alluding to needing a "cut" from a contract. City of Houston procurement is not a place for the unwary to tread.
If you want to run your issue past me, happy to discuss with you.