swimmerbabe11 said:
Sally abdelmottlep asked if she could get a social media discount because she is on local news. She has 1k followers.
Discount on what
swimmerbabe11 said:
Sally abdelmottlep asked if she could get a social media discount because she is on local news. She has 1k followers.
The Milkman said:
Don't be badmouthing Sally
Sally Mamdooh looking for a wedding dress?The Milkman said:swimmerbabe11 said:
Sally abdelmottlep asked if she could get a social media discount because she is on local news. She has 1k followers.
Discount on what
I keep getting her confused with Lindsey Henry on 26.BohunkAg said:
Buford T. Justice said:
Nicole Aniston?
redline248 said:
I think it's pretty obvious she wants to post the way some of the other ladies in this thread do, but doesn't bc her husband wouldn't like it, or something.
redline248 said:
Yep, guess I was mistaken. Not sure why I thought that.
two daughtersMichaelJ said:redline248 said:
Yep, guess I was mistaken. Not sure why I thought that.
Doesn't she have kids?
https://instagr.am/p/BxkG5g1AE2Pdodger02 said:
Michelangelo, van Gogh, Rembrandt, and makeup lady at abc 13. Just a few of the greatest artists the world has seen.