From TexAgs Sponsor, 12th Man Foundation:
Here at the 12th Man Foundation we get a lot of questions that many TexAgs users have in common. The seat relocation and seat selection process begins on June 1 and we are using this forum to address questions and concerns leading up to the first appointments. Submit your questions and we will compile the list and get answers out in the next two weeks.
The topic is Seat Relocation & Seat Selection
Just a few pointers to keep this thread helpful for everybody:
*Limit of two questions per poster
*Questions should be on the topic for that month
We look forward to hearing from you all!
Mark Riordan
Vice President - Marketing & Communications
Join the 12th Man Foundation.

Just to double check... we are looking to add a seat to our group. If, during the process, there is nothing we like, I have the option to not pick any more seats and we will be refunded the $490, correct?
Answer: You are correct. If you decide to not pick a new seat, you will be refunded the cost of the ticket.
Can you provide an actual seating chart of the availible seats similar to the model which we picked our seats last year? The one that shows the actual seats and their configuration. This would help in scoping out seats earlier instead of making a 30" decision. Those that are picking seats of 2, 4, etc would know what options they have without being under the clock. I realize some may be chosen before the assigned appointment time, but it would still be helpful in having areas scoped out.
Answer: You will be able to log into your appointment 30 minutes prior to your selection time.
Can you confirm that you will retain your existing seats if you fail or choose not to log in at your assigned time window to change or re-assign your seats?
In addition, can you confirm that there will be an option to simply retain your existing seats should different seats of your preference not be available at the time you are scheduled to participate in the seat selection process?
Answer: If you do not log in at your appointment time, you will keep your existing seats. Once you are in the system and you don't see seats that you would like to select you can opt to keep our original seats.
If I end up relocating to less expensive seats will the excess donation paid in 2016 be reallocated to future years' required donation for seat in those years, if so is there a limit to the number of years in the future the donation can be reallocated?
Answer: If you relocate to less expensive seats, your excess annual seat donation will be reallocated to future years. The reallocation is limited to the term of your seating option. If you relocate to less expensive seats, any excess Kyle Field Campaign gift amount will not be refunded or reallocated.
Are the available seats going to update throughout the process? For example if donor #1 chooses to relocate will their old seats be added to the inventory of available seats for the next person to select?
Answer: Available seats will be updated as the process moves along.
1. How many accounts opted in for relocation?
Answer: Approximately 4,600
2. Can you please update the FAQs with the examples of what happens with donations & campaign gifts if we upgrade or downgrade our seats? A previous version of the FAQs had several detailed examples and I'm trying to get a better understanding of how much of the campaign gift is due now if I can upgrade to a section that is more expensive than my current section.
Answer: A new FAQ will be posted this week at
If I do not attend during my appointment time or find better seating during my appointment, I assume I stay where I am. Correct?
Answer: You are correct.
Instead of only allowing 30 minutes in the system, is it possible to give indefinite access. That way if there are no seats I prefer at my appointment time but they open sometime later I would have the ability to pass at my specific appointment time and select later. Maybe there is another method to allow donors to have access to seats that open up after their appointment time.
Answer: The system has limitations on the number of people who can be logged in at one time, so we cannot provide open ended appointments.
Something interesting to see might be a spread of appointment times in relation to donor rankings... Similar to what TexAgs users created in the Parking thread... But it could include how many appointments are each day.
6/1 Donors #1 - #1000, which is actually only 380 appointments
6/2 Donors #1001 - #2500, which is actually 600 appointments
6/3 Donors #2501 - #3500, which is 700 appointments
6/4 Donors #3501 - #5000 which is 800 appointments
This would be similar to last years "% picking in front of you" number that let you know where you stood in relation to others.. There might not really be too many people at the front end trying to change their seats. They were first in line last year, and should already have awesome seats. Someone ranked #1000 may feel like they are way back in line, but they could actually be higher than they expect. And I would think those further back probably opted in hoping to upgrade, so it might be helpful to realize if you are donor #7000, it does not mean that 7000 people have actually already selected. There might only have been 2600 with appointments... Just an idea...

just breathe
What happens when the term for our seats are up? Will someone with more points be able to take them or will we have the option to keep them regardless of points? I want to move 2 of my seats to my kids account to start giving them points but don't want to risk losing the seats down the road.
Answer: Decisions regarding end of term options have not been made yet.
Whoa Nellie
Are you allowed to add seats with the initial appointment or is there a "Phase 2" for this? If you are allowed to add seats, is there a limit?
Answer: If you paid the new seat deposit during the renewal time period, you will select those seats during your appointment time. If you did not opt in to new seat selection during the renewal time period, You are not able to add seats to your initial appointment. If you are interested in new seats, visit to place your deposit. You would need to add seats and then get anotherwill be provided an appointment after you complete the season ticket interest process.once this first process has expired.
Pro Ag
1) With the large number of available seats, will orphaning a seat be allowed during re-seating this year? If not, has the issue that resulting in some orphan seats last year be addressed? By the time I selected last year I found a couple of areas where there was a single seat available.
Answer: Yes, we will allow stranded singles during the relocation process. However, if your selection leaves a stranded single, we reserve the right to adjust your seat block to protect the integrity of available seat inventory. As an example: if a six seat block (Section 118, Row 33, Seats 29-34) is available and you select 30-33, leaving a stranded single on each end of the block, you should expect us to slide your block to 29-32 or 31-34).
2) On the seat availability map, there are a couple of sections where it's not 100% clear what the situation is. For example, the Faculty and Lower Staff sections all highlight when you mouse over one of them (3 different areas across the stadium). For West Armchair two different sections highlight independently. Are there 80 seats available in each section that is highlighted or just 80 across those sections?
Answer: There would be 80 across all of the highlighted sections.
12th Man Foundation, My question relates to 15/10 or 10/7 year terms. In the email communications (April 6, Important Information about 2016 Football Relocation Process) under 'Inventory', item #11 All seats purchased are subject to the 10 (annual contribution equal to or greater than $1,500) and 7 (annual contribution less than $1,500) year terms.
a.) Does this apply to seats "relocated" within the same contribution level? For example, if two seats in Sec 301 are relocated to Sec 302 or to Sec 404, do the terms change from 10 to 7 years? Or if two seats in AC12 are relocated to AC11, do the terms change from 15 to 10 years?
b.) What if two seats in Sec 301 are "relocated" to AC12 do the terms change from 10 years (org
terms) to 15 years or 10 years?
If you are a current season ticketholder who relocates your current seats for the 2016 season, you
will retain the remainder of the 15 or 10 year term, dependent upon the new seat location.
*Anyone purchasing new seats in 2016 will pay the same Kyle Field Campaign Gift as 2015.
*The gift will be payable over 5 years.
*The seating option will expire at the same time as all other seats in that area.
Example: All seats purchased in 2015 in the Prime West Legacy Club have a 15 year term expiring after
the 2029 season. All new seats purchased in 2016 in the Prime West Legacy Club will have a 14 year
term and will also expire after the 2029 season.
Future Expiration Schedule: The expiration dates will remain the same (2024 for 10 year, 2029 for 15
year). The seating term will decrease by one year with each passing year.

What if the seating area I would like to move to has a shorter term than my original tickets?
Answer: If a donor relocates to a seating area with a shorter term, the term for the relocated seats will be
the shorter term.
Example: For the 2015 season, a donor selected seats in a 15 year term area. For the 2016 season, the
donor chooses to relocate to a section that had an initial term of 10 years. The donor's term will expire
after the 2024 season, which is the contractual term for the relocated seats.
How many people are on the relocate list?
Answer: There are approximately 4,600 appointments.
If I made a campaign contribution at a higher level and tickets were not available at the time I picked (last year) but they are this year, will that campaign contribution carry over?
We will move the full amount paid on the Kyle Field campaign gift for the less expensive seats to the capital gift due on the new, more expensive seats.
Additional capital contributions and annual contributions made prior to 2016 cannot be reallocated to the Kyle Field campaign gift for the relocated seats.
Here at the 12th Man Foundation we get a lot of questions that many TexAgs users have in common. The seat relocation and seat selection process begins on June 1 and we are using this forum to address questions and concerns leading up to the first appointments. Submit your questions and we will compile the list and get answers out in the next two weeks.
The topic is Seat Relocation & Seat Selection
Just a few pointers to keep this thread helpful for everybody:
*Limit of two questions per poster
*Questions should be on the topic for that month
We look forward to hearing from you all!
Mark Riordan
Vice President - Marketing & Communications
Join the 12th Man Foundation.

Just to double check... we are looking to add a seat to our group. If, during the process, there is nothing we like, I have the option to not pick any more seats and we will be refunded the $490, correct?
Answer: You are correct. If you decide to not pick a new seat, you will be refunded the cost of the ticket.
Can you provide an actual seating chart of the availible seats similar to the model which we picked our seats last year? The one that shows the actual seats and their configuration. This would help in scoping out seats earlier instead of making a 30" decision. Those that are picking seats of 2, 4, etc would know what options they have without being under the clock. I realize some may be chosen before the assigned appointment time, but it would still be helpful in having areas scoped out.
Answer: You will be able to log into your appointment 30 minutes prior to your selection time.
Can you confirm that you will retain your existing seats if you fail or choose not to log in at your assigned time window to change or re-assign your seats?
In addition, can you confirm that there will be an option to simply retain your existing seats should different seats of your preference not be available at the time you are scheduled to participate in the seat selection process?
Answer: If you do not log in at your appointment time, you will keep your existing seats. Once you are in the system and you don't see seats that you would like to select you can opt to keep our original seats.
If I end up relocating to less expensive seats will the excess donation paid in 2016 be reallocated to future years' required donation for seat in those years, if so is there a limit to the number of years in the future the donation can be reallocated?
Answer: If you relocate to less expensive seats, your excess annual seat donation will be reallocated to future years. The reallocation is limited to the term of your seating option. If you relocate to less expensive seats, any excess Kyle Field Campaign gift amount will not be refunded or reallocated.
Are the available seats going to update throughout the process? For example if donor #1 chooses to relocate will their old seats be added to the inventory of available seats for the next person to select?
Answer: Available seats will be updated as the process moves along.
1. How many accounts opted in for relocation?
Answer: Approximately 4,600
2. Can you please update the FAQs with the examples of what happens with donations & campaign gifts if we upgrade or downgrade our seats? A previous version of the FAQs had several detailed examples and I'm trying to get a better understanding of how much of the campaign gift is due now if I can upgrade to a section that is more expensive than my current section.
Answer: A new FAQ will be posted this week at
If I do not attend during my appointment time or find better seating during my appointment, I assume I stay where I am. Correct?
Answer: You are correct.
Instead of only allowing 30 minutes in the system, is it possible to give indefinite access. That way if there are no seats I prefer at my appointment time but they open sometime later I would have the ability to pass at my specific appointment time and select later. Maybe there is another method to allow donors to have access to seats that open up after their appointment time.
Answer: The system has limitations on the number of people who can be logged in at one time, so we cannot provide open ended appointments.
Something interesting to see might be a spread of appointment times in relation to donor rankings... Similar to what TexAgs users created in the Parking thread... But it could include how many appointments are each day.
6/1 Donors #1 - #1000, which is actually only 380 appointments
6/2 Donors #1001 - #2500, which is actually 600 appointments
6/3 Donors #2501 - #3500, which is 700 appointments
6/4 Donors #3501 - #5000 which is 800 appointments
This would be similar to last years "% picking in front of you" number that let you know where you stood in relation to others.. There might not really be too many people at the front end trying to change their seats. They were first in line last year, and should already have awesome seats. Someone ranked #1000 may feel like they are way back in line, but they could actually be higher than they expect. And I would think those further back probably opted in hoping to upgrade, so it might be helpful to realize if you are donor #7000, it does not mean that 7000 people have actually already selected. There might only have been 2600 with appointments... Just an idea...

just breathe
What happens when the term for our seats are up? Will someone with more points be able to take them or will we have the option to keep them regardless of points? I want to move 2 of my seats to my kids account to start giving them points but don't want to risk losing the seats down the road.
Answer: Decisions regarding end of term options have not been made yet.
Whoa Nellie
Are you allowed to add seats with the initial appointment or is there a "Phase 2" for this? If you are allowed to add seats, is there a limit?
Answer: If you paid the new seat deposit during the renewal time period, you will select those seats during your appointment time. If you did not opt in to new seat selection during the renewal time period, You are not able to add seats to your initial appointment. If you are interested in new seats, visit to place your deposit. You would need to add seats and then get anotherwill be provided an appointment after you complete the season ticket interest process.once this first process has expired.
Pro Ag
1) With the large number of available seats, will orphaning a seat be allowed during re-seating this year? If not, has the issue that resulting in some orphan seats last year be addressed? By the time I selected last year I found a couple of areas where there was a single seat available.
Answer: Yes, we will allow stranded singles during the relocation process. However, if your selection leaves a stranded single, we reserve the right to adjust your seat block to protect the integrity of available seat inventory. As an example: if a six seat block (Section 118, Row 33, Seats 29-34) is available and you select 30-33, leaving a stranded single on each end of the block, you should expect us to slide your block to 29-32 or 31-34).
2) On the seat availability map, there are a couple of sections where it's not 100% clear what the situation is. For example, the Faculty and Lower Staff sections all highlight when you mouse over one of them (3 different areas across the stadium). For West Armchair two different sections highlight independently. Are there 80 seats available in each section that is highlighted or just 80 across those sections?
Answer: There would be 80 across all of the highlighted sections.
12th Man Foundation, My question relates to 15/10 or 10/7 year terms. In the email communications (April 6, Important Information about 2016 Football Relocation Process) under 'Inventory', item #11 All seats purchased are subject to the 10 (annual contribution equal to or greater than $1,500) and 7 (annual contribution less than $1,500) year terms.
a.) Does this apply to seats "relocated" within the same contribution level? For example, if two seats in Sec 301 are relocated to Sec 302 or to Sec 404, do the terms change from 10 to 7 years? Or if two seats in AC12 are relocated to AC11, do the terms change from 15 to 10 years?
b.) What if two seats in Sec 301 are "relocated" to AC12 do the terms change from 10 years (org
terms) to 15 years or 10 years?
If you are a current season ticketholder who relocates your current seats for the 2016 season, you
will retain the remainder of the 15 or 10 year term, dependent upon the new seat location.
*Anyone purchasing new seats in 2016 will pay the same Kyle Field Campaign Gift as 2015.
*The gift will be payable over 5 years.
*The seating option will expire at the same time as all other seats in that area.
Example: All seats purchased in 2015 in the Prime West Legacy Club have a 15 year term expiring after
the 2029 season. All new seats purchased in 2016 in the Prime West Legacy Club will have a 14 year
term and will also expire after the 2029 season.
Future Expiration Schedule: The expiration dates will remain the same (2024 for 10 year, 2029 for 15
year). The seating term will decrease by one year with each passing year.

What if the seating area I would like to move to has a shorter term than my original tickets?
Answer: If a donor relocates to a seating area with a shorter term, the term for the relocated seats will be
the shorter term.
Example: For the 2015 season, a donor selected seats in a 15 year term area. For the 2016 season, the
donor chooses to relocate to a section that had an initial term of 10 years. The donor's term will expire
after the 2024 season, which is the contractual term for the relocated seats.
How many people are on the relocate list?
Answer: There are approximately 4,600 appointments.
If I made a campaign contribution at a higher level and tickets were not available at the time I picked (last year) but they are this year, will that campaign contribution carry over?
We will move the full amount paid on the Kyle Field campaign gift for the less expensive seats to the capital gift due on the new, more expensive seats.
Additional capital contributions and annual contributions made prior to 2016 cannot be reallocated to the Kyle Field campaign gift for the relocated seats.