1) Back to School Aggie Family Event at Pease Park This Saturday 8/12 1-4PM
Free Food and N/A Bevs by the Club - RSVP Here so enough food is prepped
2)Monthly Networking Lunch at Stiles Switch 8/17 11:30AM-1PM with Andrew Monaco
Buy Lunch Tickets Here
3) Monthly Happy Hour 8/24 6-8PM Celis Brewery
4) SEC Kickoff Party with fellow SEC alumni organizations 8/26 Rustic Tap 1-4PM
Free Food and N/A Bevs by the Club - RSVP Here so enough food is prepped
2)Monthly Networking Lunch at Stiles Switch 8/17 11:30AM-1PM with Andrew Monaco
Buy Lunch Tickets Here
3) Monthly Happy Hour 8/24 6-8PM Celis Brewery
4) SEC Kickoff Party with fellow SEC alumni organizations 8/26 Rustic Tap 1-4PM