The article has fair points, but also ignores a lot. It complains of crime, and homelessness, but yet the city residents and its electe(D) officials play a large role in why it is as bad as it is now. Article then presided to take cheap shots at Elon and others for moving here, yet them moving companies here provide tons of jobs, and other financial opportunities that they would otherwise not be afforded.
Also, what other town in TX hasn't changed, or grown? Anywhere worth living has seen an increase in population. The problem is yes, rent and housing is rising, but the cities decision to not enforce laws/criminals, as well as embracing homelessness is one huge reason why you are seeing the suburbs around town boom. Those 3 bed/bath houses downtown are now being rented out by 8 different individuals with no job living off the govt. I'd gtfo too if I was a local. They are building their little surf town because nobody wants to drive downtown, or live downtown anymore if they don't have too.
Don't bite the hand that feeds you....