woodiewood said:
PS3D said:
Yeah it was Jewel-Osco here, pretty much all Jewel stores nowadays are Jewel-Osco, though stand alone Osco stores are gone.
In any case, there was a wide selection of grocery stores back in the early 1990s and not so much now; but I'm not sure what, if any, would be an objective improvement.
Now, we have Costco, Sams, a few Krogers, a few HEBs, Aldi, a few Wal-Marts, Brookshires, and then we have a few smaller ones like the Asian Market, Readfields, Spice World Market, Farm Patch, and a few Mexican and other world cuisine food stores. etc. We sure didn't have that many options in the 1970s or so.
So much this. I think the big Mexican stores get undercounted in these discussions, as do the growing number of ethnic markets in general--three Asian markets including Spice World, a small but serviceable African market, and a Middle Eastern one as well.