oklaunion said:
studioone said:
anyone wanna play with my 11x14 studio camera? Or my Sinar 8x10?
BTW.... Sometime in November I'm giving a lecture on the history of photography at the Brazos Valley Museum of Natural History. Not sure of the exact date but I can find out. I've got one of the largest collections of antique cameras in Texas... I;ve got pieces related to Daguerrian, ambrotypes, wet plate, early film, etc...... advertising, cameras, gear,, meters, darkroom stuff, etc...
There's a rumor going around about me and some other people building a darkroom somewhere in downtown Bryan and doing classes on basic non-digital photography and darkroom printing but didnt know how much interest there would be in that.
btw.. Tmax 100, dektol and ilford multigrade fiber rocks.
Didn't you teach a class for the CS Community Education about 30 years ago, particularly B&W, Zone System, etc?
a long time ago... in a place far far away... '
about 30 years ago and on campus in the MSC there was that hobby shop thing in the basement... where you could do woodworking, ceramics and there was a darkroom across the hall.. The lady who ran the whole thing got me to do some basic photography classes and a darkroom class...
spring forward a few years and the lady was running the Community Education stuff.. and I BELIEVE but cannot remember much that I did teach a class for something... Only the fact that I know the lady went from the MCS to CS parks and something and did the education stuff is the only reason I remember that I probably did a class..
I USED to teach a basic class out of my wedding venue, but thats now closed and I use it as a honey extraction place and store bee stuff there....
The main reason I quit teaching is that photography followed general principles from about 1839 to 2015 or so...
Film speeds were film speeds, f/stops were f/stops, shutter speeds were shutter speeds...
100 200 400 800 1600 3200 6400
2 2.8 4 5.6 8 11 16 22 32 45 64
1 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/15 1/30 1/60 1/125 etc etc
Those NEVER changed, no matter what brand of film or camera or lens you used...
then digital screwed everything up.... Sony, who makes nice stereos,, decided to make cameras and pretty much invented their own measuring system...
so then all hades broke loose and now my students were saying their camera said they had a shutter speed of 110 and F12.. I would tell them nonsense, those numbers dont belong in photography... and then I got to look into their viewfinders..
Back in the day we hardwired our flashes to our cameras.... the newest technology was radio remotes for flashes, so we could take our flashes off camera and take photos with light coming from somewhere other than above the camera... Now every flash has a chip to talk to their cameras and other flashes... you can do a main light with fill lights and hair lights and background lights and stuff all remotely....
So then I had a student who had a specific question and I said she needed to read her manual.. She asked 'what manual?".. I said the one that came with your camera... turns out the manual is no longer included with the camera and you have to look it up online. Who's got time for that?? I've had to grab my phone during a wedding once or twice and call friends who have the same camera system as I do just to ask how to change a setting because I was in the middle of a wedding and didnt have 3 hours to sit and read a manual online...
So, the difficulty in teaching a modern class is that everyone, and I mean every single student will have a different setup. No one would have the same camera, lens or flash... no one would have a manual, and they would look to me for help... and im a Nikon person... so I would have no idea how to change a setting on a canon camera or sony flash....
The solution would be that everyone would go out and buy a Nikon F or Canon AE1 (?) or a Pentax k1000 and a Vivitar 283 flash.. then you'd learn some REAL phtography.... where you would NEVER have to use photogshop to edit because you got it right in the camera the first time... Talked to a guy last weekend who did celestial photography and he said he had hundreds of layers and days of work dedicated to one image.. He didnt believe me when I said I could teach him to do it in one exposure an d never use a computer... ever...
Oh.. wait... my soapbox apparently showed up without me knowing about it..
Darrin, Master Photog, Photographic Craftsman, CR- PPA yada yada yada...