waterchick said:
I got a postcard in the mail, and a text. Also an email but it went to my spam folder.
The new system was also promoted on the city's social media plus it was picked up on (at least) WTAW.
However: if you don't have an email or phone number on file with CSU; if you don't have social media; if you don't watch/read/listen to the news (or it doesn't get picked up), it's difficult to get information to everyone impacted.
Edit to add: bills received today were generated on the previous system so perhaps that's why there was no mention of the new account number.
I got a postcard but it didn't have my new account number.
No email received even though they have my email address since I paid online all the time. (Not in my spam folder).
They probably don't have my cell number though.
Buuuuuuuut... I disagree with "it is difficult to get information to everyone impacted"
I listed the simplest possible methods for this:
1. Put the information in the paper bill that gets mailed to everyone that still gets it.
2. When signing up in the new system, the instructions clearly showed an image of the paper bill with the 12 digit number circled when it showed where to find the new 10 digit number.
Then I searched "contact us" for it and no phone number given on how to get the new number.
It is not the end of the world... just frustrating that there were simple and obvious ways to direct people to proper process.
Almost all mail/post cards are junk mail so separate post card is easily missed.
Not sure why I got no email.
But a website the user is already using to enroll is so easy to add proper instructions. You just add no cost text to the website.
Or hey, put that postcard you mailed in the freaking mailed bill.
Just found this on their instructions on Step #7:
Like I said in previous post, I just got my latest bill today Nowhere on it is a new 10-digit number... just the same 12-digit one I've always had.
I have seeked and sought information out here. I went to website and followed their directions.
I waited for bill to get my new number like instructions said.
I don't think you can blame this on "it's difficult to get information to everyone impacted"
I've sought it out using the tools where it should be available and where city said it would be available.
So, now I'm stuck with wasting my time calling a phone number and waiting on hold to fix something that I shouldn't have to deal with as the customer.
But since I don't have a choice of where to get my utilities from, I get to be the one to deal with a hassle because the vendor didn't do a good job and well, what do they care... it's not like I'm able to pick a vendor with better customer service.
And yeah I spent more time complaining here than what the phone call will probably take.. but this much more fun than being on hold