mother claims there haven't been any changes in his treatment since the last time she spoke with commissioners and that his father hasn't received discovery evidence from the District Attorney's office (they provided it to Craig Greaves, his Brazos County attorney that he fired, and he also previously fired his two Grimes County attorneys).
She also claims that he was acting in self-defense against a gang at Kent Moore Cabinets (in his letter to the judge, he said that the victims threatened to kill and mutilate him according to the modus operandi (mode of operation) of MS-13 members) and that on the day of the Kent Moore shooting, a man in a red car fired multiple shots at him while he was sitting in her car. There's two minutes and 54 seconds of her comments at the bottom of the article.
Also, I noticed in the court records that Larry Bollin and Timothy "Tim" Smith, the victim he killed, have the same birthday (February 20, 1994 and February 20, 1981, respectively), which is a weird coincidence. In addition, one of his victims has a relatively minor felony conviction (he was sentenced to one hundred days in jail, and it was the lowest degree of felony), which I thought was ironic, since Larry Bollin didn't have a record before the shooting.