CSPD must have had not hit September quota

12,895 Views | 99 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by ksp
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You have plenty of time to slow to 50 off the highway.

not all ramps are created equal, some are much shorter than others. If someone is tailing you closely and you hit the brakes from 75 down to 50, that's equals a wreck.

CSPD is just looking for a speed trap and they found it. Too bad they can't spend the extra time in south CS patrolling neighborhoods at night, while countless rims get stolen. There isn't money to be made there though. and for the record, I live in Bryan.


This still won't be good enough to please you, but I thought you'd like to know.
To add to this - the motor officers are "dedicated" traffic officers meaning the unit was created specifically to work traffic. That is also the unit that responds to and investigates traffic crashes with very serious injuries and fatalities. Therefore they also continually see the tragic results of drivers disobeying traffic laws. They are also the unit that does all of the different traffic escorts. They are doing their jobs. Most officers (myself included) have no idea what fines are associated with specific offenses so we do not even think about the money when we issue a citation. We are thinking that person commited a traffic violation - that's all. Other professions are praised when they do their jobs. Police Officers are praised only when we do some parts of our job and criticized when we do other parts of our job. Sorry, it's all a part of the job. The traffic officers work during the day for the most part so they aren't the ones that patrol neighborhoods at night. And for the record, many, many of our officers live in the neighborhoods that are getting hit by burglaries and thefts so it's not like those crimes don't affect us too.
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You have plenty of time to slow to 50 off the highway.

not all ramps are created equal, some are much shorter than others. If someone is tailing you closely and you hit the brakes from 75 down to 50, that's equals a wreck.

CSPD is just looking for a speed trap and they found it. Too bad they can't spend the extra time in south CS patrolling neighborhoods at night, while countless rims get stolen. There isn't money to be made there though. and for the record, I live in Bryan.


This still won't be good enough to please you, but I thought you'd like to know.
To add to this - the motor officers are "dedicated" traffic officers meaning the unit was created specifically to work traffic. That is also the unit that responds to and investigates traffic crashes with very serious injuries and fatalities. Therefore they also continually see the tragic results of drivers disobeying traffic laws. They are also the unit that does all of the different traffic escorts. They are doing their jobs. Most officers (myself included) have no idea what fines are associated with specific offenses so we do not even think about the money when we issue a citation. We are thinking that person commited a traffic violation - that's all. Other professions are praised when they do their jobs. Police Officers are praised only when we do some parts of our job and criticized when we do other parts of our job. Sorry, it's all a part of the job. The traffic officers work during the day for the most part so they aren't the ones that patrol neighborhoods at night. And for the record, many, many of our officers live in the neighborhoods that are getting hit by burglaries and thefts so it's not like those crimes don't affect us too.
Exactly worded 100% to the point and spot on!
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Next time I see a cop, his lunch is my treat!
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CSPD cops always flock to threads like this to defend themselves.
Answer this question.. Why do you see so many speed traps in CS and you don't see them in other towns?
You say CSPD does not have a quota and try to give as many traffic tickets as possible.. Again if that's true why do you see motorcycle cops hiding from view so they can write tickets?
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No speed traps in other towns? You must not get out much.
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I think patrol cops get a bad rap because they have discretion. If they didn't, people would look to change the laws, but as is, people just blame the cop for not letting them off.

Patrol is enforcing traffic law, which is exactly what we pay them to do.
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The traffic control I see in College Station is not what I would call a 'speed trap,' but rather 'law enforcement.' Perhaps it is a matter of perspective.

*Edit to add--MightyDuck is faster on the keyboard.
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CSPD cops always flock to threads like this to defend themselves.
Answer this question.. Why do you see so many speed traps in CS and you don't see them in other towns?
You say CSPD does not have a quota and try to give as many traffic tickets as possible.. Again if that's true why do you see motorcycle cops hiding from view so they can write tickets?


Just this morning coming East on Barron rd I saw a motorcycle cop, in plain view, at the entrance to the Fire dept. Just sitting there, in plain view nailing speeders. I just smiled a bit as I passed him doing...drum roll please... **45** and guess what? I did not get pulled over. Was amazing how that worked.

I don't speed, so it does not bother or effect me. Don't speed, then it's NP.

No other towns with speed traps...hmm let's see.

Bryan PD is all up and down Texas Ave with speed traps.(speed traps)

Hearne, almost always a cop by the tanker petroleum fill up place. (speed trap)

Calvert, almost always when heading south on 6 and road goes from 75-55 MPH real quick.(speed trap)

Navasota, almost always a DPS under bridge.(speed trap)

Easy to say no one else has a speed trap if you never leave town.

Speed traps is just another way of saying I am entitled to break the law and justify it.
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Speed traps is just another way of saying I am entitled to break the law and justify it.
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Amazed someone is complaining about speed traps in town, when the other day I was noticing you can go for a long time in this town and not see a police officer. If anything we don't have enough LEO's for the city's growth and current needs.

I got pulled over the other day by an LEO for not signaling a lane change, and got a ticket out of it as well. Sure I was pissed. But, after 24 hrs I realized I did the crime, got caught, and am pissed because I got caught. But, the LEO was just doing his job. Wish I did not get the ticket, but did. Paid it and moved on.
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Don't beat yourself up too bad. It's impossible to drive without breaking the law. Touch a line here, go too fast there, right turn into the middle lane, cross a solid white line, merge in the left turn lane, swerve, don't signal early enough, when you couldn't because there was another drive before the turn. It is well known that a cop can find PC within about 60 seconds of following you.

We are all criminals and just count ourselves lucky that we only rarely get caught. I don't like my perpetual criminal status, but then again I have to get to work.
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A few years ago I was eating dinner at Veritas, and this man stormed in, red faced and irate, sat at the bar and began fuming over a speeding ticket he just received. He then launched into a long tirade about how his constitutional rights were *violated* because the LEO didn't respect the fact that he was "in a hurry."

My first thought was that this must be one of the luminaries from the Politics Board...
Tanya 93
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CSPD cops always flock to threads like this to defend themselves.
Answer this question.. Why do you see so many speed traps in CS and you don't see them in other towns?
You say CSPD does not have a quota and try to give as many traffic tickets as possible.. Again if that's true why do you see motorcycle cops hiding from view so they can write tickets?

You must not ever leave College Station.
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Answer this question.. Why do you see so many speed traps in CS and you don't see them in other towns?
Just when I think I'm done with this asinine thread, this mind-bogglingly stupid statement pulls me back in............
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Sure other towns have speed traps, but you cannot honestly say you see as many in other towns as in CS. If you say you do you're lying.

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Sure other towns have speed traps, but you cannot honestly say you see as many in other towns as in CS. If you say you do you're lying.

Maybe because CS is 10 plus times the size of all listed speed traps above besides Bryan, and there are quite a few in Bryan too.

Again it matters not if you obey the Speed limit. It honestly it a quite simple task.The only ones complaining of the speed traps are the speeders.
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When I think of a "speed trap," I think of a situation where you literally have no idea what the speed limit actually is, or it changes abruptly and there is NO posted sign indicating the change. A classic example being Combs in S. Texas off 77, where I got nailed once. The speed limit sign was extremely old, faded, and completely obscured by oleander bushes in the median. In fact the median was so overgrown the motorcycle cop there was hidden as well. You can Google all about this place. Eventually I think the town was forced to clearly display the signs.

That doesn't seem to be what is being seen around BCS...
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Since you brought this up, I thought I'd comment on it as I didn't think it merited a new thread.. But, the speed limit on Boonville has been changed from 55 to 50 starting at Woodcrest all the way to the front of Kroger by highway 6, where it goes down to (and always has gone down to) 45.

It used to be 55 all the way across there. There were no orange flags or any other indicators that this had happened. I just realized one day it said "50".
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Olive Garden and Policeman


If you own a retail business, think about sensitivity training and laws for employees. Some employees may only know what they read on Yahoo.

We saw a recent case of someone being denied service due to a disability and more frequently we are seeing police being refused service. Honestly,it is not worth the bad publicity. Now would be a good time to let employees know that policeman should not be refused service.

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Since you brought this up, I thought I'd comment on it as I didn't think it merited a new thread.. But, the speed limit on Boonville has been changed from 55 to 50 starting at Woodcrest all the way to the front of Kroger by highway 6, where it goes down to (and always has gone down to) 45.

It used to be 55 all the way across there. There were no orange flags or any other indicators that this had happened. I just realized one day it said "50".
For a while years ago the speed limit sign on Harvey for the portion that is 35 mph was obscured by tree branches. Most of the road is 40 from Texas to POM, except for that short stretch. It was widely exploited by CSPD, as I can attest.
Tanya 93
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Sure other towns have speed traps, but you cannot honestly say you see as many in other towns as in CS. If you say you do you're lying.

Well, there are even more in Columbia, MO.

Stop speeding and you don't get a ticket!
The Anchor
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When I think of a "speed trap," I think of a situation where you literally have no idea what the speed limit actually is, or it changes abruptly and there is NO posted sign indicating the change. A classic example being Combs in S. Texas off 77, where I got nailed once. The speed limit sign was extremely old, faded, and completely obscured by oleander bushes in the median. In fact the median was so overgrown the motorcycle cop there was hidden as well. You can Google all about this place. Eventually I think the town was forced to clearly display the signs.

That doesn't seem to be what is being seen around BCS...

This. I can't fathom how a feeder road is considered a speed trap when it's universally known that the speed limit on a feeder road is usually between 20-35 mph slower than whatever road you're exiting.
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Let's not forget the RLC "red light traps" that were voted down by CS citizens. If it looks like a trap ... it prolly is.
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They weren't voted down becausevtheyveere speed traps. That argument would not have worked. They were voted down because of due process issues and ire at an out of state consortium making a profit off of them.

Seriously techno, we've had our differences, but are you really going to argue a red light is a speed trap?

Or did you mean to post winky face instead?
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They weren't voted down becausevtheyveere speed traps. That argument would not have worked. They were voted down because of due process issues and ire at an out of state consortium making a profit off of them.

Seriously techno, we've had our differences, but are you really going to argue a red light is a speed trap?

Or did you mean to post winky face instead?
Of course not. A red light camera is not a speed trap. It is a moving violation trap designed to rack up revenue for the city. A majority of voters agreed, and took them out. God bless Mr. Ash.
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But how were they traps when people knew they were there? If an LEO was posted at a red light and ticketed a red light runner, would the LEO be a trap? Also, the cameras were public knowledge not secrets.

I'll concede there were issues with them for sure, but they were not "traps."

And Anchor, exactly. As with these cameras, the fact that the posted limits are known makes them NOT traps.
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CSPD cops always flock to threads like this to defend themselves.

If you call trying to provide information and an explanation flocking to defend then I'm guilty. By the way, I'm a school resource officer and I have written maybe two tickets in the past year. Why? Because that is not my main job. The main job of a motorcycle officer is traffic enforcement. Therefore they write a bunch of tickets. Oops, there I go defending again.
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Thank you for all you do. My original post was not intended to undermine your colleagues and your efforts.
I do still feel though there are honest people driving safely that get ticketed...but that is certainly not your fault and yes they were still speeding.
I don't have any recent speeding tickets, knock on wood... it just seems like CS has bigger issues. Just my 2 cents.
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Thank you for all you do. My original post was not intended to undermine your colleagues and your efforts.
I do still feel though there are honest people driving safely that get ticketed...but that is certainly not your fault and yes they were still speeding.
I don't have any recent speeding tickets, knock on wood... it just seems like CS has bigger issues. Just my 2 cents.
No offense taken and thank you.
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Meh.... A lot of the griping here doesn't seem to be about "traps", but about strict enforcement. I bet not a single person that has caught a citation (see what I did there) was in a place where there was no warning (signs, lights, etc) any kind. Double down on yourself and carry a CDL. Then see how much better you drive when you can't take a defensive driving class or get probation/deferred adjudication for a citation, even when driving your personal vehicle.
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Motorcycle cop in plain view at Barron and Victoria in the school zone this AM at 7:45. Breezed right by him at a smooth 25 mph.
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