Texas Association of Realtors messing with Bryan politics

29,479 Views | 304 Replies | Last: 9 yr ago by techno-ag
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You got it. No intention...because I don't know the answer.
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No, sir. I'm documenting that every record that exists on the matter excludes Mike's name and has a figure well below what he claims to have saved the district. But, thanks - I see that you have no intention of answering my question.
Best thing for you to do is to call Mike Southerland directly and get what you are seeking from him. He will know the whole story and will be able to straighten you out.
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TakenToTask, it was reworking of a famous song, "Shine On Harvest Moon". Mike likes to whine a lot. Sorry if you didn't get it.
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You are mistaken. Some people don't like hearing the truth, so they just label it whining.
burnt meat
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The fact these Southerland supporters claim he is the peoples candidate, free of any special interests is laughable. The simple truth is Mike is just another politician who knows how to work the system to suite his needs and interests, just like all the other politicians that hold office for any amount of time. Mike is intelligent enough to use the governmental processes to his advantage without any repercussions reflecting on him .

I've seen his and his supporters handy work first hand, unless you agree with their "truth" you are called "stupid", "an idiot" or the many other derogatory statements used to boast their superiority. The fact is Mr Southerland has used some of these same advisory committee appointees to his advantage in the past, yet now it is big problem for the COB.

My uneducated self taught Grandmother , who probably would be roasted by some on this board, once told me " you will probably come across people that are just a little "off", but that 's OK. But when that person is the leader of more people who believe in the same , be very worried. Too many crazies is hard to keep track of."

Westboro Baptist anybody ?
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I saw a list of Kyle Incardona's qualifications. It consisted of one item.

  • Successful businessman

WOW! Is that it??
Brazos Valley Ag 95
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I wonder what this election would be like if Southerland was running Pena or Saenz. Would Southerland be this negative towards them too?
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Been watching this thread for days...it has given me a chuckle. You laugh at Kyle's only "qualification" is that's he is a successful businessman. Wouldn't you agree thats a pretty big qualification? By your post I can probably guess that you already know it's very hard to have a business and be successful. So I really don't get why it's a "fault" that it is he only qualification.

I don't understand the vitriol on this thread, both men seem to be of fine character and are wanting to better the city of Bryan. Yes they have differences, but why not stick to the positive of each?
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Some of us tried to stay positive...look at the beginning of the thread...but, the attacks from some of the lifers on mybcs made that impossible. Yes, both individuals are good people...glad you said that. But, in the end I have to go with experience, plus someone who successfully ran a business for 20 years, and has leadership experience in the military, and has served our city well in the past. My vote is with Mike Southerland....
Brazos Valley Ag 95
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Seems to me that the original thread got hijacked and quickly turned into a "Bash Bienski and Incardona Thread". My question is..... what made Pena or Saenz more qualified to run and seek office than what Kyle Incardona is trying to do?
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Southerland doesn't even understand city budgets! He & Pena thought they'd found a hidden windfall of millions of dollars until Kean Register explained to them the need for reserves and city audits. They didn't believe him! Listen to the sound bites. Hilarious.

halibut sinclair
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Technard, what's your experience with city government?
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Technard, what's your experience with city government?

Apparently more than Southerland!
halibut sinclair
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Doubtful. You are nothing but smoke and mirrors.
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Been watching this thread for days...it has given me a chuckle. You laugh at Kyle's only "qualification" i
Waltonag05, you must not be a resident of SMD 4, or perhaps not even a resident of Bryan. Everyone I have talked with in SMD 4 takes this election very seriously and are eager to have a councilman who will actually listen to them and return their phone calls. They certainly don't consider this a laughing matter.

I do not in any way want to diminish the importance of Kyle's experience as a businessman. The quotation marks around "qualification" are yours, not mine. I would be the first to give Kyle full credit for having experience in running a successful business. We need more people willing to work hard, provide a service to the community and be amply rewarded for their efforts.

I believe you may have missed my point entirely. My point was that this was the only qualification cited for Kyle in an earlier post. I did express reservations about a candidate whose resume is so short compared to Mike Southerland's. I have hired lots of people with lightweight resumes for entry level jobs. However, for senior management positions, it is usually best to go with applicants who have the strongest qualifications and broad ranges of experience.
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Brazos Valley Ag asked

......what made Pena or Saenz more qualified to run and seek office than what Kyle Incardona is trying to do?
Two points in response to your question. 1) This race is not between Pena or Saenz and Incardona, it is between Incardona and Mike Southerland. 2) I don't know the specific requirements for filing for office, but this discussion is not about qualifying to file, it's about choosing from the two candidates who successfully filed, the one candidate who is best qualified to serve as the councilman from SMD 4.

From everything I have seen and heard, Mike Southerland's qualifications are far stronger than Kyle's. But even more important, Mike cannot be controlled by the mayor or the real estate lobby.

By the way,, pointing out that most of Kyle's funding comes from the Bienski crowd and from TREPAC in Austin is not "Bienski bashing". It's simply stating the facts.
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Mike Southerland continues to complain about numerous current and former elected officials in Bryan who are actively supporting Kyle Incardona, his opponent. Southerland insinuates this is some kind of political power play when in reality it is simply dedicated people who believe in the continued growth and success of the City of Bryan and honestly believe the best person for the job is Kyle Incardona, not Mike Southerland. Nowhere is government more transparent than at the local level and if anyone really wants to find out what is going on all they have to do is ask.

Apparently Southerland does not understand that these officials were elected because the voters in Bryan shared their same vision. Does he not recognize that Bryan is now prospering more than ever before and those who set the course of the city over the last few years are the same officials that are supporting Kyle Incardona? Yet Southerland had been the most vocal critic and consistently a negative voter against Bryan moving forward in virtually every crucial decision while he served.

In what direction can we expect the city to go if somebody that totally disagrees with all the success was our former and recent leadership accomplished gets elected? I don't think the citizens of Bryan want to go there! Gridlock accomplishes nothing.

Kyle Incardona, on the other hand, shares the vision and values that Bryan's voters have consistently favored. Kyle is an experienced businessman, he is active in the community, and will be dedicated to making the decisions that will keep Bryan going down the path that results in progressive leadership and growth. Yes Kyle Incardona is supported by numerous current and previously elected officials. These are officials who have witnessed firsthand the unproductive and negative direction that Southerland advocates. Why would anyone want to voluntarily serve with someone who is so unwilling to work together for a consensus plan of action? The answer is obvious.

Kyle Incardona is not investing this much time and effort to be anything other than a conscientious servant of those who took the time to know who he is and elect him. To say or think otherwise is simply an insult.

Bryan needs Kyle Incardona and he needs your support. Please go out and vote - Kyle Incardona for Bryan City Council - District 4 and let's keep the city of Bryan moving in the right direction.
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Not only do I live in pct 4 but I own a business within the district. I have already voted and do feel I voted for the best candidate. My point is this thread has accomplished nothing. If I was a non-informed voter this thread would have turned me off of both candidates.
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Bryan needs Kyle Incardona and he needs your support. Please go out and vote - Kyle Incardona for Bryan City Council - District 4 and let's keep the city of Brian moving in the right direction.

Let's hope the candidates can spell the name of their city correctly.
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Dang auto correct. Fixed it.
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Instead of bashing Mike Southerland with groundless repetitive false accusations, you might consider posting Kyle Icardona's qualifications and experience.

When the candidate's only qualification is that he is a "successful businessman", supporters have very little to brag about, very little to sell. Given that problem, they have no alternative other than to attack their opponent with every trumped up falsehood imaginable. The negativity is overwhelming, but if you have nothing positive to report about your candidate, there's little else a desperate person can do. If Kyle's has experience and qualifications that make him a viable candidate, then let's hear about them.

It's obvious that the entrenched majority on city council are spending large sums in an effort to buy this election. They have even called in the "heavy artillery" from TREPAC, the real estate lobby in Austin. For what purpose ? For a better and more responsive city government? No, It's simply that they want to load the council with "yes men" who will never challenge anything that the mayor brings up. They do not like to have someone like Mike Southerland asking tough questions because that means someone has to come up with answers and quite often those answers are not what the Bienski crowd wants to hear.

So lets cut through all the senseless chatter and get to the heart of the matter. The time has come to restore a degree of integrity to city council. It's time to elect a councilman who is not owned by special interests, a councilman who can be fair, honest and independent in representing the citizens of District 4. It's time to elect someone who has the experience and knowledge to understand the issues, who will do the research, who will listen carefully to what all parties have to say and then do his best to persuade our city council to act in a responsible manner that best serves the interests of the people of Bryan.

Mike Southerland will bring intelligence, maturity, a wealth of experience and an unwavering commitment to an open and honest city government for the City of Bryan. Please be sure to vote tomorrow and to cast your vote for Mike Southerland, the only genuinely independent candidate from SMD 4.
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Techno-Ag, your entire message could use auto-correct. Seems like you have been on auto-pilot for days.

But, the truth win out, Mike Southerland is the best candidate for the council seat. End of story. and we will all know tomorrow.

Thank you CAVU for your wonderful summary and efforts.
Fair open govt.
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From the very beginning this campaign has been and always will be about the people of bryan. We have 2 candidates running for office who seek to win the district 4 seat being vacated by two term councilwoman ann Horton. Voters have a choice to make tomorrow and I hope they make an informed decision. The facts on both candidates first let's start with Kyle incardona: a man who has accepted several donations from councilmembers both past and present. A man who has not ever attended a city council meeting. A man who is a managing partner at a funeral home not a business owner. A man who was caught in lie about having no ties to the mayor. A man who has accepted a 5 thousand donation from a super pac in austin who happened to be realtor. A man who has a case number assigned to him for violating ethics campaign regulations and has accepted guilt.Mike southerland: a retired Vietnam veterans who has fought for our country both literally and physically. A man who has ran successful businesses. A man who has served the citizens of Bryan in the at large position for over 6 years on the Bryan city council. A man who has never missed a meeting while he served on council save when he had a heart attack. A man who has demonstrated he will advocate for the citizens of Bryan no matter what. The donations he has accepted came from everyday citizens like yourselves never a super pac. A man who has vehemently opposed destroying the golf course and time again fought to save Bryan muni. A man who has voted for what he believed to be the best choice for Bryan not for special interest groups not for the elite but for the people.My choice candidate is Mike Southerland because he will not only be a full time councilmember but a statesman who will champion the people issues without fear of retaliation. But I think his best qualification is that he will bring experience on council. a vote for Mike will be a vote toward fair and open govt.
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Seems to me that the original thread got hijacked and quickly turned into a "Bash Bienski and Incardona Thread". My question is..... what made Pena or Saenz more qualified to run and seek office than what Kyle Incardona is trying to do?
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Fair open govt nailed it!!!! Best post this entire thread!
halibut sinclair
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From the very beginning this campaign has been and always will be about the people of bryan. We have 2 candidates running for office who seek to win the district 4 seat being vacated by two term councilwoman ann Horton. Voters have a choice to make tomorrow and I hope they make an informed decision. The facts on both candidates first let's start with Kyle incardona: a man who has accepted several donations from councilmembers both past and present. A man who has not ever attended a city council meeting. A man who is a managing partner at a funeral home not a business owner. A man who was caught in lie about having no ties to the mayor. A man who has accepted a 5 thousand donation from a super pac in austin who happened to be realtor. A man who has a case number assigned to him for violating ethics campaign regulations and has accepted guilt.Mike southerland: a retired Vietnam veterans who has fought for our country both literally and physically. A man who has ran successful businesses. A man who has served the citizens of Bryan in the at large position for over 6 years on the Bryan city council. A man who has never missed a meeting while he served on council save when he had a heart attack. A man who has demonstrated he will advocate for the citizens of Bryan no matter what. The donations he has accepted came from everyday citizens like yourselves never a super pac. A man who has vehemently opposed destroying the golf course and time again fought to save Bryan muni. A man who has voted for what he believed to be the best choice for Bryan not for special interest groups not for the elite but for the people.My choice candidate is Mike Southerland because he will not only be a full time councilmember but a statesman who will champion the people issues without fear of retaliation. But I think his best qualification is that he will bring experience on council. a vote for Mike will be a vote toward fair and open govt.
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Not only do I live in pct 4 but I own a business within the district. I have already voted and do feel I voted for the best candidate. My point is this thread has accomplished nothing. If I was a non-informed voter this thread would have turned me off of both candidates.

This thread, specifically the Southerland minions, completely turned me off of him. I've never seen a group with a worse PR effort.
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Glad you voted.
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From the very beginning this campaign has been and always will be about the people of bryan. We have 2 candidates running for office who seek to win the district 4 seat being vacated by two term councilwoman ann Horton. Voters have a choice to make tomorrow and I hope they make an informed decision. The facts on both candidates first let's start with Kyle incardona: a man who has accepted several donations from councilmembers both past and present. A man who has not ever attended a city council meeting. A man who is a managing partner at a funeral home not a business owner. A man who was caught in lie about having no ties to the mayor. A man who has accepted a 5 thousand donation from a super pac in austin who happened to be realtor. A man who has a case number assigned to him for violating ethics campaign regulations and has accepted guilt.Mike southerland: a retired Vietnam veterans who has fought for our country both literally and physically. A man who has ran successful businesses. A man who has served the citizens of Bryan in the at large position for over 6 years on the Bryan city council. A man who has never missed a meeting while he served on council save when he had a heart attack. A man who has demonstrated he will advocate for the citizens of Bryan no matter what. The donations he has accepted came from everyday citizens like yourselves never a super pac. A man who has vehemently opposed destroying the golf course and time again fought to save Bryan muni. A man who has voted for what he believed to be the best choice for Bryan not for special interest groups not for the elite but for the people.My choice candidate is Mike Southerland because he will not only be a full time councilmember but a statesman who will champion the people issues without fear of retaliation. But I think his best qualification is that he will bring experience on council. a vote for Mike will be a vote toward fair and open govt.

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Not only do I live in pct 4 but I own a business within the district. I have already voted and do feel I voted for the best candidate. My point is this thread has accomplished nothing. If I was a non-informed voter this thread would have turned me off of both candidates.

This thread, specifically the Southerland minions, completely turned me off of him. I've never seen a group with a worse PR effort.

No kidding.
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Says the guy who began the previous Prop 1 trolling thread...
halibut sinclair
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This thread, specifically the Southerland minions, completely turned me off of him. I've never seen a group with a worse PR effort.
Good thing the dozen people on this board have no real influence on either side.
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From the very beginning this campaign has been and always will be about the people of bryan. We have 2 candidates running for office who seek to win the district 4 seat being vacated by two term councilwoman ann Horton. Voters have a choice to make tomorrow and I hope they make an informed decision. The facts on both candidates first let's start with Kyle incardona: a man who has accepted several donations from councilmembers both past and present. A man who has not ever attended a city council meeting. A man who is a managing partner at a funeral home not a business owner. A man who was caught in lie about having no ties to the mayor. A man who has accepted a 5 thousand donation from a super pac in austin who happened to be realtor. A man who has a case number assigned to him for violating ethics campaign regulations and has accepted guilt.Mike southerland: a retired Vietnam veterans who has fought for our country both literally and physically. A man who has ran successful businesses. A man who has served the citizens of Bryan in the at large position for over 6 years on the Bryan city council. A man who has never missed a meeting while he served on council save when he had a heart attack. A man who has demonstrated he will advocate for the citizens of Bryan no matter what. The donations he has accepted came from everyday citizens like yourselves never a super pac. A man who has vehemently opposed destroying the golf course and time again fought to save Bryan muni. A man who has voted for what he believed to be the best choice for Bryan not for special interest groups not for the elite but for the people.My choice candidate is Mike Southerland because he will not only be a full time councilmember but a statesman who will champion the people issues without fear of retaliation. But I think his best qualification is that he will bring experience on council. a vote for Mike will be a vote toward fair and open govt.

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