Does anyone know much about whether TEES employees can use their computers and such for political campaigning?
Someone named Sarah Tobolah sent out a Word doc pumping the three Eastside NIMBY-crats. Inside the doc it says she works at TEES Personnel Services.
I did a quick web search and found this:
TAMUS Ethics Policy, item 7.5 on page 5
That seems pretty clear that she should not be doing this stuff on TEES time or on TEES computers. This doesn't strike me as a "firing offense", but what is a good way to communicate to the powers-that-be that there might be a problem here?
[edit: bold text is mine for emphasis]
[This message has been edited by code_dog (edited 4/22/2008 10:18p).]
Someone named Sarah Tobolah sent out a Word doc pumping the three Eastside NIMBY-crats. Inside the doc it says she works at TEES Personnel Services.
I did a quick web search and found this:
TAMUS Ethics Policy, item 7.5 on page 5
Use of TAMUS Funds or Property: No TAMUS employee shall expend or authorize the expenditure of any TAMUS funds, services or supplies for the purpose of financing or otherwise supporting the candidacy of a person for an office in the legislative, executive, or judicial branch of state government or of the government of the United States, or influencing the outcome of any election, or the passage or defeat of any legislative measure.
No appropriated funds may be expended for the payment of full or partial salary of any employee who is also required by Tex. Govt. Code Chpt. 305 to register as a lobbyist. TAMUS facilities may be used as polling places for local, state, and national elections.
That seems pretty clear that she should not be doing this stuff on TEES time or on TEES computers. This doesn't strike me as a "firing offense", but what is a good way to communicate to the powers-that-be that there might be a problem here?
[edit: bold text is mine for emphasis]
[This message has been edited by code_dog (edited 4/22/2008 10:18p).]