I have a half acre yard with 17 pecan trees plus some others mixed in. Web worms are bad, particularly on the pecans. I see the first webs popping up this week.
The last two years, we had a guy come by and spray with Bt. The first year, it did a great job. Last year, we really needed a second treatment 'cause they were back by fall. But at $17 per tree, it's of questionable value (since it's really just a cosmetic problem).
I've read a little on the tricogramma wasps and the lacewing flies for natural control of the moths/worms but haven't tried them myself, yet. Anyone here used them? What results did you get?
Also, I like "primative technology" stuff. I want to learn to make/throw an atl-atl and one day I'd love to build a trebuchet. I laugh a little at these modern approaches when a little bit of fire does the trick nicely. However, with my 50-75' pecan trees, it'd be a little difficult to get the fire up there where it's needed. Anyone got a good "telescoping rod torch" approach?
That'd get the added bonus of my wife's probably-silent (only because she knows better than to encourage me by trying to discourage me) disapproval and the bonus eye roll!
The last two years, we had a guy come by and spray with Bt. The first year, it did a great job. Last year, we really needed a second treatment 'cause they were back by fall. But at $17 per tree, it's of questionable value (since it's really just a cosmetic problem).
I've read a little on the tricogramma wasps and the lacewing flies for natural control of the moths/worms but haven't tried them myself, yet. Anyone here used them? What results did you get?
Also, I like "primative technology" stuff. I want to learn to make/throw an atl-atl and one day I'd love to build a trebuchet. I laugh a little at these modern approaches when a little bit of fire does the trick nicely. However, with my 50-75' pecan trees, it'd be a little difficult to get the fire up there where it's needed. Anyone got a good "telescoping rod torch" approach?
That'd get the added bonus of my wife's probably-silent (only because she knows better than to encourage me by trying to discourage me) disapproval and the bonus eye roll!