TAMUallen said:
If anybody thinks that breeder deer aren't actually private property then you're delusional, regardless of how you feel about breeding operations
and therein lies the problem. It is a total double standard.
I agree with you, but there seems to be a large grey area that both sides claim they are correct.
If you have a wild deer, it is public property.
If you purchase a deer, it is private property.
If you build a fence around a wild deer does it become private property?
What if I buy a private bred doe and release it in a low fence area and it wanders off and a neighbor shoots it?
Can I claim they shot my private property?
What if a private deer escapes their enclosure and ends up at a neighboring property? Does the private deer become public deer when it leaves it's enclosure?
If it leaves one private high fence and directly enters a neighbor's high fence.... who now owns that deer?
This sounds a little crazy and perposterous....... but you know there will be some court battles over this in the not so near future.
If my bull goes to my neighbor's pasture........ it is still my bull and he can not shoot it.
If my dog goes to my neighbor's backyard, it does not become my neighbor's dog.
If my dog goes to the neighbor's and harrasses their cattle.... they can shoot it?....or can they???
Where does this stupidity end? Probably where a lawyer court case says it ends!