Ag83 said:

Are you putting the peanut butter on top of the lever or the bottom? If on top, try putting it on the bottom. Or affix a piece of cheese to the tab on top so he has to tug at it.

Better option may be an electronic trap. I've zapped many a rat with one.

Disclaimer to the above - I am in huge battle of perseverance and wit with a rat in my attic right now. Been at war for at least a week and a half. He is extremely trap shy but I have managed to get him (last night finally) to start licking at the peanut butter on the lever on the snap trap and taking the cheese off of it. I have not set the trap yet, but if he continues to get more comfortable at it, I hope to get him. He will absolutely not go into my electronic trap for some reason.

When u go to set the trap use gloves to avoid getting ur smells on it. Might add some grass around it.

I spent a month fighting one. Never did get him, he either died or moved on. Those big ones are witty *******s.
Yeah, I thought about gloves but I don't think it is smell. In any case, I finally have him taking cheese off the lever fairly consistently so here pretty soon I'm going to set the trap and hope I get him. If the trap misses, I'm screwed.