There definitely needs to be some changes to the whole process it there are a few questions that I think should be explained by the ticket office
1. Why are guest passes allowed to be purchased on big games. I understand that we want guests to be allowed to come to the game, but how about those students who paid for a sports pass that can't get tickets on their pull day or can only get SRO tickets. Best suggestion in my mind is that guest tickets can only be purchased on Friday if available.
2. Group pulls- I understand the idea of group pulls , especially early in the year for fish camp, flo's, etc. there is no reason why group pulls cants be modified on certain games, or since they automatically get third deck or corners, why not have group pulls on Wednesday or Thursday if they are going to get corner seats anyway
3. Do we change the ratio of upper class men required to pull for a underclass student? Right now, it's 1 to 1, what about a 2 upper to 1 under ratio?
Any other suggestions or thoughts?