I'm old enough to remember shooting lead at ducks as a youngster before the states started phasing it out in the mid-late 80's and the Feds banned it outright in '91. So I've been shooting steel ever since. Tried some Hevi-shot one time with underwhelming results.
Was listening to any interesting podcast the other day from a small sporting goods store in eastern AR (Webb's in Dewitt). They were formerly a sizable dealer for Migra. To make a long story short, Macks squeezed Migra into shutting off Webb's if Migra wanted to get a large order from Macks. So, BOSS gets wind of this and immediately approaches Webb's with an exclusive dealer arrangement. I like to support independent family owned businesses like this and have heard lots of positive about BOSS shells. Plus they have decent prices, and now that Macks is owned by BPS, I want to give these shells a try and support a local independent dealer at the same time. Anybody have any experience with these shells before i go load up on a couple cases? Knockdown power, range, etc?
Was listening to any interesting podcast the other day from a small sporting goods store in eastern AR (Webb's in Dewitt). They were formerly a sizable dealer for Migra. To make a long story short, Macks squeezed Migra into shutting off Webb's if Migra wanted to get a large order from Macks. So, BOSS gets wind of this and immediately approaches Webb's with an exclusive dealer arrangement. I like to support independent family owned businesses like this and have heard lots of positive about BOSS shells. Plus they have decent prices, and now that Macks is owned by BPS, I want to give these shells a try and support a local independent dealer at the same time. Anybody have any experience with these shells before i go load up on a couple cases? Knockdown power, range, etc?