okay...I'm a baitcaster dude and have been since I started fishing as a kid. At almost 49 years old it's sadly almost comical how bad I am with spinning reel. I'm getting better though b/c it's what my wife fishes with, my son does some as well, and i've used spinning reels more on ultralight tackle.
Need to spool up some new spinning reels. I've read online different opinions on a particular aspect of how the line goes off the spool and onto the reel. Some say it matters to minimize line twist and memory. Some say it doesn't matter at all.
They point to having the line come off the spool a certain direction...i..e clockwise or counterclockwise depending on how your'e facing the reel.
what say you OB...does this matter?
I guess I could see it possibly for mono and maybe fluoro. But not as much for braid. If it's even true.
Need to spool up some new spinning reels. I've read online different opinions on a particular aspect of how the line goes off the spool and onto the reel. Some say it matters to minimize line twist and memory. Some say it doesn't matter at all.
They point to having the line come off the spool a certain direction...i..e clockwise or counterclockwise depending on how your'e facing the reel.
what say you OB...does this matter?
I guess I could see it possibly for mono and maybe fluoro. But not as much for braid. If it's even true.