So, what happens if I just put in some onions? Ran across a bag of bulb kinda things at HEB for like .79 so I figured I would try it. Will they sprout, or whatever they do?
I am picking tomatoes and green beans daily. My gamble planting in early February is paying off. Tomato plants are over 6' tall and all have a dozen or so tomatoes ripening up intermittently.
The contender green beans are year over year the best producing plant that I have in my garden. I highly recommend them if you don't have a bush green bean variety you already like. It is not too late to plant them now.
My Seek app says Army Worm, which looks familiar to me based on previous years' identification. I don't deal with them much at our house in town, but do on occasion with homes we've worked on outside of town.
So I am trying eggplant this year. The plant looks great. Big and lots of blooms. No fruit. Did I need to do this in pairs? The google doesn't suggest so. Everything else in the garden is doing fine and fruiting, so there are bugs. What gives?
Blossom end rot kicked my ass this year shortly followed by caterpillars. Caterpillars were my fault. I usually spray Spinoza every 7-10 days and never had an issue. Got lazy this year. Can't explain the blossom end rot though. I did change my watering habits. I got tired of running drip irrigation and started hand watering. All raised beds. All I can think is the larger volume of water spaced out vs consistent watering with drip irrigation made the difference. I even treated with gypsum and other calcium and I'm still seeing it.
I have somewhat got pass the bottom end rot This is not to say I did not throw away probably 3-400 tomototes but I am now down to about 10-15 a day showing it and hopefully tomorrow I am done with it
I will hopefully send pics next week of ripe tomotoes
Anyway. I am on a mission also to figure out what to eliminate My last three years have been terrible but also the last three years it has rain just back to back weeks to keep the soil wet
I am picking around 5-10 tomatoes every couple days from my few plants. This is my first year growing Cherokee Purples. You defiantly don't get the quantity of fruits that you do with the hybrids but they are so much cooler and taste better. Don't know that I will plant any hybrids in the future. I get tired of giving away tomatoes and cant eat them all.
Squirrels, raccoons, rats, or possums imo. I have similar struggles and have begun picking at the first hint of red. I'm going to try the pantyhose trick mentioned above to see if that helps.
You'll get the side-eye at the dollar store when you have 8 packages of pantyhose
If blossom end rot is a problem, you can sprinkle tums or other generic antacid pills around the base of the plant and they'll dissolve into the soil and fix it. That's if you don't want to mess with dissolving gypsum powder in water.
Do you know that once a tomotoe starts turning red as far as taste goes it does not matter if you pick early or let turn red on the vines The taste does not change
Now I still cant pull early but it is researched topic
Yes, I've read this, which is why I pull them now at the first sign of red. Pissed me off to no end a few years back to wake up with dozens of perfectly beautiful Cherokees, other than a single damned bite. I've pulled them at the first sign of red ever since.
Couldn't get back home in time where it wasn't a damn chore. Got 2/3 of the onions on the rack and the last 1/3 pulled and drying. 10/15s, southern bell reds, whites and red creoles.
Tomatoes are putting on like gang busters and had started to drop……I'm assuming b/c they could have used a drink about 4-5 days ago. Nonetheless it's time to put up some salsa after graduation!!