You're opinion is actually correct.javajaws said:
I'd rather have a rider on my insurance and a security cabinet to keep the kiddos out. But I don't have any heirlooms that aren't replaceable.
IMO if you want a real safe you need to pay up for something with really thick steel. Something like a Sturdy Safe. The run of the mill retail safes are just too easy to get into with today's cordless power tools and aren't worth it IMO. It's just feel good bragging rights of having an intimidating looking safe that really isn't that intimidating to determined thieves.
Just my opinion and everybody has different criteria to figure out what's best for them.
Realize any commercial "safe' you buy is just going to keep people from getting into your guns that are in your house and you know they're there (friends/family). If someone really wants to get in, and has 30 minutes, they're getting in.