Outdoors board cooking experts...
Looking for help determining approximate amount of ingredients to feed about 80 football players and 10 staff, planning on cooking for about 120-140 to account for teenage boys. It is a game day early meal, so not going to let them gorge, but do want to feed them good.
Bacon or Sausage
How much of each ?
I did a google search and there is no consensus on eggs per person, etc that seemed correct.
Anyone cook for a group this large?
Looking for help determining approximate amount of ingredients to feed about 80 football players and 10 staff, planning on cooking for about 120-140 to account for teenage boys. It is a game day early meal, so not going to let them gorge, but do want to feed them good.
Bacon or Sausage
How much of each ?
I did a google search and there is no consensus on eggs per person, etc that seemed correct.
Anyone cook for a group this large?