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I had a lease in Webb Co. for many years. We would see illegals on a regular basis. They were never much of a problem. Usually they travel from windmill to windmill in order to have water. Each one usually carries a backpack and a one gallon jug to carry water in. We would generally just avoid them and let them pass through. When we did have a face-to-face meeting, we would usually just visit with them, give them some food and water and send them on their way. I never felt threatened by them. Of course, we were usually visibly armed and they were not.ontherocks said:
There are illegals crossing the border from Brownsville to San Diego. Every ranch within 50 miles of the SW border has illegals crossing daily/weekly. If anyone tells you different, they're lying to you.
We see them from time to time in Webb. We hunt northwest of Laredo right on the river. We had one sleeping in our blind on our first hunt last year. Sent him on his way, no big deal.barnag said:
Curious, do you see a lot of illegals on ranches in Webb/Zapata?