I seem to remember a few of those guys around Leakey.
Ed Tom or his son, Eddie.One-Eyed Fat Man said:
There was a guy from Leakey who would bring a a load of posts to Pearsall and park at Ross's Cafe on a regular basis. I believe his name was Eddie Cade, but my memory is fuzzy.
SanAntoneAg said:
I found this article a brief, interesting read. I had heard about Hill Country cedar choppers but this put things into a new perspective. Wonder how many descendents still reside in central Texas. Or frequent this board.
Mark Fairchild said:
Old Army Ag here, in my Corps outfit from 66-70 we had a bunch of guys from smaller towns, Mason, Llano and others in Central Texas. To be called a 'Cedar Chopper' was a good natured jab between those from that area. Being from Dallas, had never heard of that before then.
I have always heard about how rough those folks were and how they'd fight just for entertainment. Were you just given the outsiders special?Hewey Calloway said:
I got the crap beat out of me by some real ones in a bar in Leakey.