I was scared to post that
Bregxit said:This is the official nutshell...1990AG said:huntingRCR06 said:
I can remember the original thread and reading it, but 10 years later it's hard to remember all the details.
I always suspected that doss regulator was a frequent poster on the ob(under another handle) and created doss regulator for fun.
land dispute
offended town
cool stickers
Doss Regulator
This is it in a nutshellQuote:
hunter + hunter + shots fired + oh no he didn't + oh yes he did + oh no he didn't + what do you know + 430 acres + 2400 acres + oat patch + mixing fifty-five gallons of iced tea + trial of the century + multiple kegs of beer + TexAgs Outdoors forum road trip to Doss + I'm the man on the Titty Mountain[/Ronnie James Dio] + he ain't heavy he's my brother + calledupthatdangedolgamewardenmandangedoldvoicemailgonnacallmebackman[/boomhower] + oh no you didn't + I'll get you my pretty, and your little lease too > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 209