I posted this lease last year when we got on the lease. We had a great first year and could not be happier with the place. We lost some members though, and we need to fill three of our 11 total spots on the lease for this coming season. Can give more info by phone. Details and pics are are below. For more information, call or text me at 713.715.8188. The lease is not cheap, so spare me the smartass posts about the price.
The first set of pics are from this season. If the buck is still alive in the picture, he is still alive on the ranch. We let a bunch of really nice deer walk this season, including 4-5 over 160, and three that are well over 180".
The second set of pics is from the group that had the lease for about 15 years before us.
-6,212 acres
--Low fence
-Jerry Allen is our biologist, and the ranch has been under a comprehensive management plan for over 15 years.
-- One trophy, one management, and does and culls by helicopter survey.
--11 total members (roughly 564 acres per member)
-- 17 twelve foot tower blinds in place. New feeders going up this month.
-- Community stands
--Great water throughout the ranch, with incredible dove, duck and quail hunting and turkeys on the eastern portion of the ranch. Some bass fishing.
-- Landing strip with airplane hanger close to camp.
-- Two fully furnished camphouses that sleep 8 people each.
-- Fireplace, pool table, walk-in cooler.
-- Liberal guest policies
-- Great owner. Ranch hand lives right next to camp. Almost no illegals.
-- $13,000 per spot, which includes all fees (corn, protein, electricity, insurance, etc).

management 9

Previous group

I posted this lease last year when we got on the lease. We had a great first year and could not be happier with the place. We lost some members though, and we need to fill three of our 11 total spots on the lease for this coming season. Can give more info by phone. Details and pics are are below. For more information, call or text me at 713.715.8188. The lease is not cheap, so spare me the smartass posts about the price.
The first set of pics are from this season. If the buck is still alive in the picture, he is still alive on the ranch. We let a bunch of really nice deer walk this season, including 4-5 over 160, and three that are well over 180".
The second set of pics is from the group that had the lease for about 15 years before us.
-6,212 acres
--Low fence
-Jerry Allen is our biologist, and the ranch has been under a comprehensive management plan for over 15 years.
-- One trophy, one management, and does and culls by helicopter survey.
--11 total members (roughly 564 acres per member)
-- 17 twelve foot tower blinds in place. New feeders going up this month.
-- Community stands
--Great water throughout the ranch, with incredible dove, duck and quail hunting and turkeys on the eastern portion of the ranch. Some bass fishing.
-- Landing strip with airplane hanger close to camp.
-- Two fully furnished camphouses that sleep 8 people each.
-- Fireplace, pool table, walk-in cooler.
-- Liberal guest policies
-- Great owner. Ranch hand lives right next to camp. Almost no illegals.
-- $13,000 per spot, which includes all fees (corn, protein, electricity, insurance, etc).

management 9

Previous group

"They weren't raiding a Girl Scout troop looking for overdue library books."