Alright, fellas. Here's the list. Really proud that I remembered some vlookups and RAND functions in Excel and was able to include "passes to" instructions.
So, try to message folks that have stars, but post email addresses if you need to (and delete it later to avoid Cat Facts). Do your best to get shipments in the mail by 1.13.2019 and post pics of your haul and/or you enjoying them.
Happy passing, folks.
Pass Assignments are as follows:
bdgol07 passes to 12th Man Ag
12th Man Ag passes to TexasAg2017
TexasAg2017 passes to Pinche Abogado
Pinche Abogado passes to TheVarian
TheVarian passes to XpressAg09
XpressAg09 passes to Ag_07
Ag_07 passes to Nosh
Nosh passes to EastTexAg14
EastTexAg14 passes to ConstructionAg01
ConstructionAg01 passes to Zaiquiri
Zaiquiri passes to cosc11
cosc11 passes to TRIDENT
TRIDENT passes to CharlieBrown17
CharlieBrown17 passes to jsdaltxag
jsdaltxag passes to Knucklesammich
Knucklesammich passes to BenderRodriguez
BenderRodriguez passes to AGGIE_EE_85
AGGIE_EE_85 passes to hopheadAg09
hopheadAg09 passes to Old Sarge
Old Sarge passes to blindey
blindey passes to RCR06
RCR06 passes to powerbelly
powerbelly passes to SweaterusVestus
SweaterusVestus passes to bdgol07