Can anyone tel me where the caves in the valley are? I grew up there and never heard a damn thing about them.
SpiDer09 said:
Gillespie only has 15 caves? I call bs. Who made this map?
Edit: apparently a legitamet agency made this map. I'll shut up and listen.
ursusguy said:
Near Las Cuevas.
ursusguy said:
Near Las Cuevas.
A humanly passable subsurface cavity at least 5 meters in traverse length, where no dimension of the entrance exceeds the length.
Probably in this case discovered = reported...plenty of rules. Plenty of other surrounding counties along the fault probably has them, but they are overgrown, family pride, etc.MGS said:
I wonder if Bexar/Travis/Williamson counties are overrepresented here due to the fact that they have a much higher population, and caves are just more likely to be discovered there compared to the more rural counties in the hill country.