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Cleanup efforts in Port A, Aransas Pass, Rockport area

5,173 Views | 33 Replies | Last: 7 yr ago by agenjake
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My brother and I have been in and around the construction industry for years and are contemplating putting together a team to go down and help cleanup efforts in the Corpus/Port A/Aransas Pass/Rockport areas.

Like many of you, we've spent a lot of time fishing in the area and want to help out our friends.

We cleaned a boatload of fish at Clem's marina just 3 weeks ago. Very strange seeing this area destroyed and feel terrible for these people who have to make a living there.

Understandably, the majority of media is focused on SE Texas at the moment as the ppl there are in immediate need of search and rescue resources. That is as it should be.

However, the majority of the high-wind damage hit the Rockport/Aransas area and they are in major need of cleanup help.

When I start to think about putting a plan and list of supplies/materials/equipment it's overwhelming and not sure where to start or go to help.

Is anyone spearheading or coordinating the cleanup efforts in the area or is it a free-for-all?

Sounds like the need for survival resources like food/water/shelter are somewhat being met but I cannot imagine the need for things like generators, extension cords, work lights, headlamps, shovels, trash cans & bags, chainsaws, power tools, equipment, fuel, personal protection gear like work gloves/dust masks/respirators, first-aid supplies, general labor etc. It seems endless.

Thanks in advance.
Bird Poo
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A buddy invited me to go with him to go down to rockport the weekend of the 9th. He's getting about 300 lbs of brisket and is wanting to smoke meat and pass out meals all weekend to victims and volunteers. Hopefully I can get a hall pass from the wife!
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Charlie Robinson is putting together a drive.
From his Facebook
"I'm trying to write everyone back personally but my wife is getting grumpy. She's been ordering generators,trailers,chain saws. I just woke her up to make sure we get plenty of socks. Makes sense. Ok,here we go. I'm playing Gruene hall Saturday and Sunday. We can't have too many trailers come by and get filled up. If u don't get filled up Saturday then Sunday afternoon and evening. Anyone who isn't full,we will stop at Walmart,Home Depot, etc etc on the way down. If u got gas cans,we'll fill em up. I will get the Rockport police,fire department and churches send me an updated list every day until Monday. I will also post where we will meet Monday am so we can fill what isn't filled and continue to Rockport in the biggest convoy this state has ever seen. Can't wait,but not as much as the people of POC,Fulton,Rockport,AP and Port A. And we're just getting started. Keep messaging me with any questions. My wife can sleep next month. Lol"

Rockport chamber of commerce fb also has a list of needed items
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I am heading down Friday to wherever the need is.
Leaving out of Victoria
Right now I have donated from my vendors:
1 pallet of water
1 pallet of bleach
2 cases of latex gloves
1 case of honey buns
1 case of pop tarts
2 cases of HD trash bags 60 gallon
1 case of floor cleaner
1 case of sanitizer
1 case of Lysol
1 case of degreaser
1 case of chopped BBQ

What else?

Let me know if you want to join.

Emotional Support Cobra
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Follow the Rockport volunteer fire department on facebook for updated lists of needs for first responders and cleanup.
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I'd call the mayor or city manager's office first.

I can only speak for port Aransas. Port A seems to be ok with the essentials. There's water stacked a mile high in the IGA parking lot. Everyone I know there is doing ok.

Most of our homes are second homes. We only have 3000 residents. I honestly don't know where you'd go to help. They have done an amazing job in two days.

The streets are much better. Poles are going up

It's a different town. Still no water or electric. Most people are staying in cc and driving back and forth to clean up. Not many are staying in town at night.

The help I think most needed is rockport. They have trees everywhere. My friends there are dying trying to move trees. If you have chainsaws it would be sooooo helpful. Trailers would be helpful.

I think port a is just waiting for adjusters to get to each place so they can start getting work done.

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Just got back from Aransas Pass. Chainsaws!! Never seen so many oak trees. I never knew they even had that many down there. Chainsaws and bobcats are needed. And people to run them.
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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We are going back in to Copano ridge on sunday. Tree clearing in rockport is the truth. Out on the Ridge, not sure how many people will be out there, but lots of houses and I expect plenty of people in the area just needing debris piling and general cleanup. If you don't get good direction from the above input, I'll bet you can mobe into an area and check out what needs to be done.

We are going down to try to tarp the roof, dry in the house and pull wet carpet up before it blooms.

You are a bunch of bad asses to help out like that, really good bull.
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kayakag said:

A buddy invited me to go with him to go down to rockport the weekend of the 9th. He's getting about 300 lbs of brisket and is wanting to smoke meat and pass out meals all weekend to victims and volunteers. Hopefully I can get a hall pass from the wife!

Costco was selling Prime at $3.50 per lb and an additional $10 off each pack which probably puts it at about $3 per lb.
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Premium said:

kayakag said:

A buddy invited me to go with him to go down to rockport the weekend of the 9th. He's getting about 300 lbs of brisket and is wanting to smoke meat and pass out meals all weekend to victims and volunteers. Hopefully I can get a hall pass from the wife!

Costco was selling Prime at $3.50 per lb and an additional $10 off each pack which probably puts it at about $3 per lb.

If you want choice let me know. I can shoot you a price
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I've been down cleaning up the house in Rockport the past 2 days and a skid steer, backhoe, or tractor with a bucket would help out a bunch of people for as far as clean up. We had three different roofs in our driveway and when we were trying to pile that stuff up in one pile with shovels and trying to pick it up, a man came by on a small tractor with a bucket and pushed it all out of the way. Gave him a couple Gatorades and water and he went on down to the next house that needed assistance. Pictures don't do justice to the devastation done to that town.
Die Hard Ag
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Can you get from SA to Rockport? Roads clear?
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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Die Hard Ag said:

Can you get from SA to Rockport? Roads clear?
Last Monday we had no trouble from 37 to Sinton to Rockport on 188. Was all clear to 35. Should be no issue especially since it has dried out more.
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Probably should have posted this earlier but forgot:

If you are going down to help with cleanup, it is recommended that you get a tetanus booster if it has been over 5 years since your last tetanus shot.

And bring deep woods off (w/ DEET), it's only a matter of time before the big ones hatch out. Lots of wasps flying around too for some reason.
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SWCBonfire said:

Probably should have posted this earlier but forgot:

If you are going down to help with cleanup, it is recommended that you get a tetanus booster if it has been over 5 years since your last tetanus shot.

And bring deep woods off (w/ DEET), it's only a matter of time before the big ones hatch out. Lots of wasps flying around too for some reason.
And sunscreen.
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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I'd imagine that the snakes will be coming to the debris piles to hunt mice and rats.
Brush Country
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SWCBonfire said:

Probably should have posted this earlier but forgot:

If you are going down to help with cleanup, it is recommended that you get a tetanus booster if it has been over 5 years since your last tetanus shot.

And bring deep woods off (w/ DEET), it's only a matter of time before the big ones hatch out. Lots of wasps flying around too for some reason.

I was outside in Portland tonight at dusk trying to fix up the kids playhouse and was instantly covered in larger than normal mosquitoes. They weren't here last night.

And bugs. Bugs are effing everywhere. Not sure what that's about, you'd figure they'd be blown away.
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Just got word we might have electric in port a by 9/4. I don't believe it but that's the rumor. Water was back today. Not drinkable, but back.

Rockport is scheduled for electric by 9/7. Don't believe that either, but the cities are doing a great job.

I heard key allegro in rockport was in really bad shape. That's from a friend who lost his home. The only houses not damaged were new construction.

It's moving fast. Again rockport had trees everywhere except rooted in the ground. Need chainsaws. Need chainsaws.. they are no saws to be bought here. If you can get them folks will buy them. You don't have to donate it, they'll be happy to have it at your cost

The no gas rumors are not true. We have gas and diesel everywhere here.

Thank you to all who have helped. It's amazing. These towns are going to survive. The poor kids are not going to get to play football (rockport /aransas pass.). Sad.

Again. Thank you to all who have helped and continue to help. You've made a real difference in the lives of people who need it!
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Electric in Port A that soon is amazing! Thanks for the update
Brush Country
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I thought those kids would get to play wherever they enrolled? I was told a bunch were coming to Portland to play, could've been a bad source.
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I've been working at the store and surrounding area all week. It's been insane down here. I'd be surprised if they got power back to Aransas Pass and Rockport by the 4'th, but there is a lot of help down here so I suppose if the materials are here it is possible.

Kudos to everyone who is headed this way to help out. It's been a rough week of work, but it's also been an amazing display of what a community can do with some support and how much people will give of themselves to help others!

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I don't have the need for a chainsaw, but are you sure I could sell them at cost if I brought a few? Heading down Saturday...
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Premium said:

I don't have the need for a chainsaw, but are you sure I could sell them at cost if I brought a few? Heading down Saturday...

Yes. They will be purchased. That's the biggest tool I've heard is needed. Trees everywhere.

Worst case scenario you can return them unopened. There are none here and I heard sa is short. I don't know if that's true though.

Football players can transfer. I heard that too. Portland is always better than rp though. Lol. Man, that'll start some crap. It makes a bigger team. Lots of kids that would have played will get a lot less playing time. Crappy senior year. We don't have football in port a so that's not a big issue.

Port a may have electric by 9/4. That's the rumor. I wouldn't bet either way. We got water and I thought that would be a lot farther off. There was a hole in the main line. They fixed that in 2 days. No idea how it's going so fast. Truly amazing.

Rockport electric is scheduled ( again just hearsay) for 9/7-9/9. Don't believe that either but hoping it's true.

Port a will be back to some kind of normalcy long before rockport (jmo) becasuse it's smaller and got less damage. The one town I know nothing sbout is aransas pass. No one is takking over there and I only know a couple of people who work there. Have t heard from them though.
I haven't gone over there. I've stayed on the bypass road afraid of nails etc...

Anyone have news from a/p?

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Return them if you can't.
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NAPA has chainsaws, oil, premix, etc - Echo 16 & 18" and a few pole saws. Buy local if you can. There's a group out of Hallettsville that has been feeding locals all week in the parking lot as well.
Gulf Coast Aggie
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As a Rockport owner, we don't need any help, but so many do. We are helping others in need. The help and support is amazing and so appreciated. I know most of you are coming from the north, but they just closed 35 yesterday from 185 south of Bloomington to Tivoli due to the Guadalupe flooding, so be aware of that.
Once again, as bad as the damage is, the effort going on there is heart warming. Many thanks to all of you.
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I spoke with a lady at the City of Aransas Pass, and they are accepting supply donations at:

Samuel Allen Auto Dealership
877 Hwy 35 Bypass
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If you are physically able, just get there. Yes chainsaws, wheelbarrows, rakes, gloves, 50:1 gas, bobcats etc. would be helpful to anyone in the general area. If you get there & don't know where to go, just start cutting limbs out of people's yards & dragging them to the curb. It's gotta be done. There's plenty of bottled water & such over there. The brisket thing is a good idea, people gotta eat.
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Do people need generators?
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agenjake said:


I spoke with a lady at the City of Aransas Pass, and they are accepting supply donations at:

Samuel Allen Auto Dealership
877 Hwy 35 Bypass

On my way
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If anyone is needing help. Let me know.
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Will.mcg said it best. If you don't know where to go, just pull off the road and start working. Pretty sure no one is going to object. If your not comfortable with that, roll down your window and ask someone in their yard if they need help. If they don't, they certainly know someone who does.

If you want to go, don't hesitate. You will leave damn proud to be a Texan!!!
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Been turned down by numerous people.
Brush Country
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I've been told that city of rockport has asked for temporary stoppage of donations.

There are very many well meaning Texans and that makes me proud, but y'all have to realize that there are people on top of people on top of debris on top of electrical contractors on top of every single imaginable out of town fly by night fill in the blank contractor down here right now trying to do work. It's like a pile of ants.

I'm not trying to deter anyone from helping or donating, just trying to tell what it's like at close to ground zero. It's chaos.
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We just dropped off supplies in Aransas Pass. I recommend finding out official donation stations. The auto dealership was basically refusing water donations, but they still need cleaning supplies, bug spray, and sunscreen. Some of the smaller communities were loading up there and hauling supplies back home.

But, yes, downtown Rockport and Aransas Pass were nuts. Lots of signs up for contractors, LEOs everywhere, trees everywhere.

Plenty to do, but I recommend calling the city offices ahead to see where help is most needed.

I was very proud to see so many folks helping out. Lots of young teens busting their asses.
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