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Eminent Domain

12,767 Views | 99 Replies | Last: 7 yr ago by schmellba99
Furlock Bones
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for eminent domain. without we would be a backwoods sheethole.
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eric76 said:

schmellba99 said:

eric76 said:

Snow Monkey Ambassador said:

eric76 said:

dlance said:

I have a coworker who has old family land on the border. The government ED'd a strip of his land and built part of the existing fence on it. He said they paid pretty quickly and a fair amount. The problem is he has about 75 acres left on the other side of the fence that he no longer has access to. They won't put and won't let him put a gate in for access and there is nowhere to cross it for miles, and no way to access the land from anywhere you can cross.

It is horse*****
That matches what I've read elsewhere.

As I've said many times, eminent domain is for people who don't believe in Capitalism and Free Markets.
I get what you're saying, but eminent domain is probably the #1 tool the government has at its disposal to support free markets and capitalism. It may suck in the individual cases or people whose land is taken - and I'm not really even defending the practice, here - but it's definitely not anti-capitalist.
How the hell does using the might of the state to run roughshod over private property owners support Free Markets and Capitalism?

Not a supporter of ED in most cases.

But without the power of ED, you would, in all likelyhood, not be able to drive to work in the morning. Odds are you would not have clean potable water piped to your house. You would probably be crapping in a home in your back yard and you and every neighbor would be burning garbage in a hand dug fire pit on a daily basis.

Because almoat every road, every easement for a pipeline (whether it be for something like water or sewer for a municipality or a P3 or private venture for a private utility like petroleum or electric) is in existence indirectly or directly because of the power that ED gives for such purposes.

And pretty much 100% of every consumable you use on a daily basis uses one of the avenues listed above. And those support and promote capitaliam and free market trade.

Unfortunately it can be an ugly thing, and when looked at in a vacuum or a single instance, it is generally bad. But the thing is that it is not a mechanism that really can be looked at in a vacuum or for a single solitary case, because you would not be looking at the big picture.
I would be very surprised if eminent domain was necessary for more than a small percentage of right of ways for highways, power lines, and pipelines. Sure, there are people out there who would not sell at any price, but most people will. I see no reason to force them to take a price less than what they consider fair.
Well, prepare to be surprised. Because most people don't sit back and hope that somebody comes knocking on their door one day to let them know a new highway is proposed here and that they need to sell their land, or that a power line route runs through their property. Most people want their land left alone. Just human nature.

And from my limited experience, ED is not something the overwhelming majority of people - including the utility owner - want to go through. It is really only used in rare cases, and that is after multiple offers are generally lobbed back and forth. Because it's cheaper to pay outright more than what the utility thinks the land is worth than to go through the court system via the ED process. I'd be willing to bet that in most cases where the courts and ED actually have to get used, the utility operator loses money on the land. There are several on here with experience, hopefully they can chime in.

I doubt seriously (don't know for sure, so not saying 100% because you seem like the type of guy that would go out and find the solitary instance it happened) that there are many, if any, cases where the utility operator walked up and went directly to the ED route. I'd be willing to be that by law you can't even do that - it was designed as a last resort tool, and should be used for that only. And should not be used so that a Wal Mart or new football stadium can be built, but strictly for legitimate public use projects (roads, power lines, pipelines, etc.).
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I think eminent domain is a necessary part of our society.

The problem I have with the use is when it is used to build stadiums and other non-public use projects.
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I'm aware of that and disagree with it. I wrote my statement to include the implications of property taxes.
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I do have one personal experience with the "system" during the expansion of Tomball Pky / 249 from a 4 lane road into a raised freeway back in 1991. I didn't own any land but did rent office space which I had spent about 55k building out. When I was forced to move, I had the builder price out the new build-out. It came in at 60k.

TexDot offered me 6k. As I was just getting my business started I was too poor to do much but negotiate myself (with the help of a lawyer friend). Got it up to 12k. It put me in a hole for a couple of years and scared the s4it out of me wondering if I would survive.
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schmellba99 said:

eric76 said:

schmellba99 said:

eric76 said:

Snow Monkey Ambassador said:

eric76 said:

dlance said:

I have a coworker who has old family land on the border. The government ED'd a strip of his land and built part of the existing fence on it. He said they paid pretty quickly and a fair amount. The problem is he has about 75 acres left on the other side of the fence that he no longer has access to. They won't put and won't let him put a gate in for access and there is nowhere to cross it for miles, and no way to access the land from anywhere you can cross.

It is horse*****
That matches what I've read elsewhere.

As I've said many times, eminent domain is for people who don't believe in Capitalism and Free Markets.
I get what you're saying, but eminent domain is probably the #1 tool the government has at its disposal to support free markets and capitalism. It may suck in the individual cases or people whose land is taken - and I'm not really even defending the practice, here - but it's definitely not anti-capitalist.
How the hell does using the might of the state to run roughshod over private property owners support Free Markets and Capitalism?

Not a supporter of ED in most cases.

But without the power of ED, you would, in all likelyhood, not be able to drive to work in the morning. Odds are you would not have clean potable water piped to your house. You would probably be crapping in a home in your back yard and you and every neighbor would be burning garbage in a hand dug fire pit on a daily basis.

Because almoat every road, every easement for a pipeline (whether it be for something like water or sewer for a municipality or a P3 or private venture for a private utility like petroleum or electric) is in existence indirectly or directly because of the power that ED gives for such purposes.

And pretty much 100% of every consumable you use on a daily basis uses one of the avenues listed above. And those support and promote capitaliam and free market trade.

Unfortunately it can be an ugly thing, and when looked at in a vacuum or a single instance, it is generally bad. But the thing is that it is not a mechanism that really can be looked at in a vacuum or for a single solitary case, because you would not be looking at the big picture.
I would be very surprised if eminent domain was necessary for more than a small percentage of right of ways for highways, power lines, and pipelines. Sure, there are people out there who would not sell at any price, but most people will. I see no reason to force them to take a price less than what they consider fair.
Well, prepare to be surprised. Because most people don't sit back and hope that somebody comes knocking on their door one day to let them know a new highway is proposed here and that they need to sell their land, or that a power line route runs through their property. Most people want their land left alone. Just human nature.

And from my limited experience, ED is not something the overwhelming majority of people - including the utility owner - want to go through. It is really only used in rare cases, and that is after multiple offers are generally lobbed back and forth. Because it's cheaper to pay outright more than what the utility thinks the land is worth than to go through the court system via the ED process. I'd be willing to bet that in most cases where the courts and ED actually have to get used, the utility operator loses money on the land. There are several on here with experience, hopefully they can chime in.

I doubt seriously (don't know for sure, so not saying 100% because you seem like the type of guy that would go out and find the solitary instance it happened) that there are many, if any, cases where the utility operator walked up and went directly to the ED route. I'd be willing to be that by law you can't even do that - it was designed as a last resort tool, and should be used for that only. And should not be used so that a Wal Mart or new football stadium can be built, but strictly for legitimate public use projects (roads, power lines, pipelines, etc.).
I said that I'd be surprised if it was actually used for more than a few properties along the way and you tell me to be ready to be surprised. Then you say that it is used only in rare cases.

That doesn't surprise me at all. It is basically what I expected.

I can see that it would surprise those here who think that nothing can be built with it.
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Without the threat of it, almost zero gets done. It has to be there to use the threat.

Just because it doesn't actually go to court doesn't mean that it's not used.
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And should not be used so that a Wal Mart or new football stadium can be built, but strictly for legitimate public use projects (roads, power lines, pipelines, etc.).

I think we need a strict and definitive definition for what "public use project" really is. For instance, you mention pipelines. OK, a pipeline to move a product for use by the American people fits the bill in my book. A pipeline that moves a product only to be shipped overseas does not. It's not benefitting the American people, only a couple of corporations. So to get around it, they might claim that x percent of the product goes for US consumption and it's all good. What does x need to be? 90%, 80%........5%?

Remember back in the 1970's when they wanted to dredge and concrete the Trinity River just so Dallas could be a port city. It was driven by 2 Dallas businessmen who would control all the shipping/freight activity out of the port. The would make millions. It was sold to the public as a project that Dallas "needed" if it was to grow into a thriving city. In the end, it became so contentious it went to a public vote, and was rejected. That would have been one of the greatest misuses of ED ever. It wasn't a public works project but a get rich quick project. It's a great read if anybody has the time.
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I would be very surprised if eminent domain was necessary for more than a small percentage of right of ways for highways, power lines, and pipelines. Sure, there are people out there who would not sell at any price, but most people will. I see no reason to force them to take a price less than what they consider fair.

And you would be correct. The ED issue stays at the forefront due to public discussion on a small percentage of acquisitions that get ugly. I have been heavily involved with multiple projects in which acquisitions were taking place and have seen the large number of people you speak of ultimately stay out of the court room by accepting an offer. Very few are thrilled, but they accept a price they feel is reasonable enough to forgo the headache of the courtroom and the gamble that comes with that. One project that sticks out in my head involves a 200+ mile transmission line in which 95% of the parcels were negotiated out prior to getting to the courtroom. After the first trial of the remaining 5% everyone else settled before going to court themselves. I would argue that ED is designed to deal with that last 5%-10% and that is what it typically does.

Another thing to keep in mind, just compensation isn't simply a number perceived to be just to the landowner. It is also perceived to be just to the public. In other words a landowner should neither be over compensated, nor under compensated for his or her land and the effect the project may have on it. The goal of ED is to leave the landowner in the same financial situation he or she was in before the project began. If a landowner had $1,000,000 in value before the project showed up, they should be left with $1,000,000 in total assets (remaining land plus money) when the negotiations are over. ED is not designed to be a windfall for landowners and never has been.

Finally, I will tell you that I have first hand knowledge of the 2008 Border Fence Project in the Valley, and the notion that the government has still not paid land owners is simply not true. Land owners that agreed to a price were paid immediately. Land owners who went to court had the court awarded amount deposited in an escrow account immediately after the court award was made. That money was accessible by the land owner with the knowledge that if an appeal reversed the court award the difference between the original award and the appeal award had to be returned. If people are claiming they haven't been paid, it is simply a result of them recognizing the payback and choosing to leave the money in the escrow account until the final court proceedings are concluded. To my knowledge the 2008 Border Fence acquisitions are now concluded so there should be no one left that doesn't have access to funds awarded by the court. That is, unless I'm mistaken an there are still a few cases pending.

I am a landowner and I have been through the ED process on my own property. It's not fun and emotions clouded my judgement at times even though I am extremely familiar with the process. At the same time when I look back at my award I can't say that I was treated unfairly in terms of being left in the same financial shape I was in prior to the project that affected me.
Finn Maccumhail
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Trigger06 said:

It might support capitalism, but it sure doesn't support FREE markets.

Probably said already but free markets require rational actors and people aren't always rational.
Finn Maccumhail
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eric76 said:

Stive said:

Public works like interstates and utilities are very different than the sports stadiums you've referenced. The first group should be allowed ED, the second should not, is a clear abuse of the system, and should be put down.

It's an extremely rare situation where people don't get fair market value. Not opportunistic hosing as you prefer, but FMV. And if you don't think you've gotten FMV, that's what the courts are for.

I may be wrong, I'm going to go out on a limb and bet you've never been through that process though. While frustrating and difficult at times, it usually comes out "fair", with fair being designated in the constitution (which you're likely a big fan of).
There was a guy in Seabrook who was awarded $1 for property worth at least a million.

The judge denied his expert witness testimony as to the value of the property and than since he had no testimony as to its value, the judge ruled it was worth $1.

Seriously dude, stop parroting this BS.

It's factually incorrect and you know it. The guy was awarded $1MM+ in ED proceedings which the court placed in escrow, the guy continued to fight ED when there was no way he could win which then exhausted the $1MM he was awarded and the courts found he had been given FMV there was no reason to award any more. That the guy burned through the $$$ in legal challenges is his own damn fault.
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Finn Maccumhail said:

eric76 said:

Stive said:

Public works like interstates and utilities are very different than the sports stadiums you've referenced. The first group should be allowed ED, the second should not, is a clear abuse of the system, and should be put down.

It's an extremely rare situation where people don't get fair market value. Not opportunistic hosing as you prefer, but FMV. And if you don't think you've gotten FMV, that's what the courts are for.

I may be wrong, I'm going to go out on a limb and bet you've never been through that process though. While frustrating and difficult at times, it usually comes out "fair", with fair being designated in the constitution (which you're likely a big fan of).
There was a guy in Seabrook who was awarded $1 for property worth at least a million.

The judge denied his expert witness testimony as to the value of the property and than since he had no testimony as to its value, the judge ruled it was worth $1.

Seriously dude, stop parroting this BS.

It's factually incorrect and you know it. The guy was awarded $1MM+ in ED proceedings which the court placed in escrow, the guy continued to fight ED when there was no way he could win which then exhausted the $1MM he was awarded and the courts found he had been given FMV there was no reason to award any more. That the guy burned through the $$$ in legal challenges is his own damn fault.

From http://www.chron.com/neighborhood/article/Man-awarded-1-for-105-acres-Port-condemned-9588405.php:

Seureau fought for nearly three years to protect his property, in his family for more than 150 years, from the Port's power of eminent domain, only to lose his case in May of last year in the court of Harris County Civil Court Judge Lynn Bradshaw-Hull.

The judge ruled that having paid Seureau $1, the Port now owns the fee simple title to the property. Seureau was also ordered to give back the Port's previous payment of more than $1.9 million at 5.75 percent interest and pay the Port's court costs at the same interest rate.
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II was beginning to believe that Eric was more mfbarnes, just trolling us for fun. But a quick google search seems to indicate he's more Akita (was that the dude's name?) yelling at clouds and tearing down his own fence.

At least you are consistent, I'll give you that...

From a 2011 TA Post


4:56p, 8/5/11
Eminent domain is pure evil. It basically enables the government to take your property as long as they can come up with a pretext that fits into the guidelines of state law and sometimes even if it doesn't.

The worst I've ever heard of was in the Clear Lake are when a judge gave hundreds of acres of a valuable property to the Houston Port Authority for nearly nothing.

...for what it's worth, I have wasted some time today looking through the old court records of the Grandfather/Father/Son trio of Glenn, Glenn, and Glenn Seureau. Appears that they were actually pissed at ExxonMobil who signed a deal with them in the 60's and screwed them. They waited too long to sue Exxon (statute of limitations ran - they actually sued, but Exxon got it dropped) and took on the Port Authority which claimed governmental immunity. The son (Glenn Jr., named after Grandpa) settled and the Father continued the suit.

Finn Maccumhail
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Sean98 said:

II was beginning to believe that Eric was more mfbarnes, just trolling us for fun. But a quick google search seems to indicate he's more Akita (was that the dude's name?) yelling at clouds and tearing down his own fence.

At least you are consistent, I'll give you that...

From a 2011 TA Post


4:56p, 8/5/11
Eminent domain is pure evil. It basically enables the government to take your property as long as they can come up with a pretext that fits into the guidelines of state law and sometimes even if it doesn't.

The worst I've ever heard of was in the Clear Lake are when a judge gave hundreds of acres of a valuable property to the Houston Port Authority for nearly nothing.

...for what it's worth, I have wasted some time today looking through the old court records of the Grandfather/Father/Son Duo of Glenn, Glenn, and Glenn Seureau. Appears that they were actually pissed at ExxonMobil who signed a deal with them in the 60's and screwed them. They waited too long to sue Exxon (statute of limitations ran - they actually sued, but Exxon got it dropped) and took on the Port Authority which claimed governmental immunity. The son (Glenn Jr., named after Grandpa) settled and the Father continued the suit.

Thank you. I was about to respond to Eric but you've done so better than I could.

The fact of the matter is Eric continually points to this case and misrepresents it whenever eminent domain discussions come up.

Interesting reading on the matter: http://caselaw.findlaw.com/tx-court-of-appeals/1400237.html
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Unfortunate necessity that is sadly often poorly executed by bureaucrats, or used for corrupt purposes thanks to the idiot SCOTUS and Kelo.
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Kelo was the quintessential "bad cases make bad law." The bad part was that New Jersey law allowed for condemnation of blighted properties for economic development. The Supreme Court looked at it and basically said that since it was legal there, we should not intervene. After the decision, many states, in a rush to stop this from happening, passed legislation that had to be fixed later (Texas was one of those states).
Fun fact: Jerry world was a direct beneficiary of this law. There was a specific carveout so they could use eminent domain to acquire tha land to build it.
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Sean98 said:

II was beginning to believe that Eric was more mfbarnes, just trolling us for fun. But a quick google search seems to indicate he's more Akita (was that the dude's name?) yelling at clouds and tearing down his own fence.

At least you are consistent, I'll give you that...

From a 2011 TA Post


4:56p, 8/5/11
Eminent domain is pure evil. It basically enables the government to take your property as long as they can come up with a pretext that fits into the guidelines of state law and sometimes even if it doesn't.

The worst I've ever heard of was in the Clear Lake are when a judge gave hundreds of acres of a valuable property to the Houston Port Authority for nearly nothing.

...for what it's worth, I have wasted some time today looking through the old court records of the Grandfather/Father/Son trio of Glenn, Glenn, and Glenn Seureau. Appears that they were actually pissed at ExxonMobil who signed a deal with them in the 60's and screwed them. They waited too long to sue Exxon (statute of limitations ran - they actually sued, but Exxon got it dropped) and took on the Port Authority which claimed governmental immunity. The son (Glenn Jr., named after Grandpa) settled and the Father continued the suit.
And how does this materially differ, other than in giving more detail, from what I said and have said in the past?

The fact is that when he tried to take it to court, the judge did, in fact, award it to the port authority for $1. And the judge ordered him to pay back the $1.9 million and the port authority's court costs with interest.

I knew that they appealed it, but I didn't know until this thread that the judge had been overruled.

The original $1.9 million was the decision of a commission, not a court. At no time have I made any claims that the commission was a court, unlike as was stated above.

And people do challenge the monetary awards in eminent domain decisions in court. I have no idea how often they prevail in such challenges.
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You have, on more than one occasion, presented the case in such a twisted light (knowingly) to try to fit a narrative that is just not true about that particular case. Yes, you may be using factual data - but you are using it in such a manner as to present a distorted and generally false narrative of the case. And it has been shown to you on every single occasion just how incorrect you are in how you are choosing to try to use that singular case as evidence that ED is a horrible thing.
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It materially differs because you took ONE PAGE out of context in the very middle of the book without any regard to how the book began or ended. It is factually accurate, and at the same time a complete lie. Because you attempt to lead people to believe it was the ultimate outcome. And despite people telling you in 2011, and 2012, and 2015, and 2017 this was not the case you chose to ignore it and spread false news.

You said a judge GAVE them 105 acres for $1. And they didn't. There was a commission ruling, there was a civil court ruling, then there was an appeal, then there was a settlement. That ruling was simply Step #2 in (at least) a 4 step process.

If I offered to buy your million dollar house for $5 that doesn't mean I BOUGHT your house for $5. It may represent one single snapshot in time over the course of a 2 year negotiation but it doesn't mean it was the ULTIMATE OUTCOME of the case. That is what you can't seem to understand.

Courts have, and often do, make interesting rulings to force appeals, force negotiations, and force settlements. It's not just in Eminent Domain cases. It can be in all manners of civil or criminal cases. If you don't understand legal process, or don't want to, I can completely get that. It's messy and often harsh. But to continually spout the same crap over and over is GB/Politics board drivel.
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You know when Sean gets pulled into a quasi politics thread that the troll has been particularly strong.
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You folks that argue that a person who "holds out" for over fair market value is wrong and screwing the public good for his own greedy gain, should set an example for that person.

Put a For Sale sign in your yard, and/or on your business. Accept the highest offer, subtract from that the fair market value, and give the difference to the governmental agency of your choice. For the public good, earmark your donation for the next project that the benevolent "powers that be" deem beneficent to the public good.

Start a movement of benefactors of the public good, which will surely show those of us who seek liberty, private property rights, and government that protects the individual against the powerful and advantaged, the error of our greedy ways.
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Is that the same government that has ED as part of it's founding document?
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The government to which you refer also had provision for slavery, and for women as non-voting citizens, in it's founding documents. Would you argue that the corrections to those "wrongs" has been a mistake? Would you argue that the use of eminent domain is as limited now as it was following the first 50 years after enactment of the Constitution and the 5th amendment?

The Fifth Amendment did nor enact nor create the practice of eminent domain. Rather, it was a provision to try to limit the use and abuses of eminent domain, and protect the citizen (the individual), from the power of the very government the founders were seeking to provide their prosterity.

Would you argue that at any level of government in this country, the Constitution is "the law of the land"? Would you argue that the founding fathers of this country would be thrilled with what we have allowed to happen to the system of government they gave us?
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You brought up government protections...not me.

But by all means....continue. I love watching people talk out of both sides of their mouths and want things both ways.
Buck Compton
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I've been thinking about this topic a lot lately, as my family's land in the northeast Houston area is being taken by the government for development of the grand parkway. They seem like they're going to get a fair shake, but what's really a shame is the (and I kid you not) 17 lawyers that have contacted my elderly grandma trying to get her to sign something and let them represent her. That's what borders on harassment.

But eric76, your posts seem to show a lack of understanding of the nuances of political theory. It's all a spectrum. From everyone for themselves on one side (anarchy) to one single, all-powerful ruler in the other (dictatorships). Left side is the least efficient, right side is the most efficient. But, since humans are not perfect, this is subject to constraints, such as a limited time, capacity for decision-making, penchant for corruption, tendency for violence, personal weaknesses and strengths, varying character traits, anger, disagreements, etc. so we find some compromise point in the middle that seems amenable to society. And it is this imperfection that you attribute to government as a whole, but then don't attribute to "most people". While the only reason governments exist or are imperfect is because of the people running them. If "most people" were as reasonable, rational, and good-intentioned as you believe, then the government would also take on those characteristics.

However, even that compromise is a spectrum and we can expect certain decision rights to remain at every level of government for just that reason. Decision power should be held by that governing body that best represents the parties impacted by said decision. In this case, a true public use with widespread positive impact should be controlled or at least regulated by more than just free market forces, whether it be a state or federal government. ED is one of the times that the government is actually able to increase economic efficiencies and overall public good and generate efficiency within the still relatively free market. National defense, treaties, trade agreements, etc. are all done at a national level now because lower levels are generally unable to properly assess the impact outside their own sphere of understanding/influence. Proper use of eminent domain is a textbook example of correctly compromising decision rights for a much greater overall public benefit.

Are there abuses? Sure. There always will be. But you punish one-off abuses, don't legislate them. The higher the abuse, the stricter the punishment.
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Buck Compton said:

I've been thinking about this topic a lot lately, as my family's land in the northeast Houston area is being taken by the government for development of the grand parkway. They seem like they're going to get a fair shake, but what's really a shame is the (and I kid you not) 17 lawyers that have contacted my elderly grandma trying to get her to sign something and let them represent her. That's what borders on harassment.

It's also highly unethical.
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wai3gotgoats said:

You folks that argue that a person who "holds out" for over fair market value is wrong and screwing the public good for his own greedy gain, should set an example for that person.

Put a For Sale sign in your yard, and/or on your business. Accept the highest offer, subtract from that the fair market value, and give the difference to the governmental agency of your choice. For the public good, earmark your donation for the next project that the benevolent "powers that be" deem beneficent to the public good.

Start a movement of benefactors of the public good, which will surely show those of us who seek liberty, private property rights, and government that protects the individual against the powerful and advantaged, the error of our greedy ways.
This....is just way, way out there. You are talking about something completely different and trying to force a round peg into a square hole. In all reality, not applicable to the discussion and is pretty much a text book example of using extreme examples in an effort to paint everybody on the other side as an extremist and completely out of touch with the actual reality of whatever is being discussed.
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I've been thinking about this topic a lot lately, as my family's land in the northeast Houston area is being taken by the government for development of the grand parkway.

Not to derail my own thread, but the Grand Parkway got me thinking of a separate issue of "public works projects" and the use of ED.

As many of you may know Bob Lanier took a dormant plan for the Grand Parkway and brought it back to life in the 1980's and 1990's. So sure that he would get the project done, he purchased swaths of land along the proposed route. Although he died in 2014, his relatives are reaping the financial benefits of selling the land to developers.

How does the forum feel about politicians benefitting financially from "public work projects" in this manner?
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It's not supposed to happen, and you're a fool if you believe that it doesn't.
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aggiedent said:


I've been thinking about this topic a lot lately, as my family's land in the northeast Houston area is being taken by the government for development of the grand parkway.

Not to derail my own thread, but the Grand Parkway got me thinking of a separate issue of "public works projects" and the use of ED.

As many of you may know Bob Lanier took a dormant plan for the Grand Parkway and brought it back to life in the 1980's and 1990's. So sure that he would get the project done, he purchased swaths of land along the proposed route. Although he died in 2014, his relatives are reaping the financial benefits of selling the land to developers.

How does the forum feel about politicians benefitting financially from "public work projects" in this manner?
They are not supposed to, but it happens everywhere you go and has through history. DIA is a great example - there is a reason that it is hell and gone from Denver. And that reason lies solely with the mayor of Denver at the time.

Much like insider trading, there are supposed to be restrictions on using your position to benefit financially, but human nature almost always interferes to some degree.
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