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Memo to Wasps, Yellow Jackets, and other non-bee flyers that wish to sting me...

21,995 Views | 123 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by trouble
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The blind I hunt out of most of the time is rather dilapidated...open windows pretty beat down and very rickety. As such wasps love it and a long standing tradition is to clamber up the ladder the night before the season starts and pop a couple of bug bombs.

Next morning the floor of the blind has an insect carpet.

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Same here. I remember one time opening it up and wall to wall Yellowjackets, dormant. Dad got a can of wasp spray, stuck his arm in there like a boss ad emptied the can. I remember heading the tick tick tick as the wasps hit the floor. Had a 2" carpet of ways to enjoy the rest of the season. My brother was afraid to pick anything off the floor lest a payback stinger gets him weeks later.
Old Sarge
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I miss the good old wasp spray from the 70s/80s. For about a 10 year period my dad owned half of a two rig workover rig company. They bought some spray called WASP. That's it...WASP, with the line in P going down on the label to a dead wasp.

I am allergic to wasps. That stuff was so good that you could stand directly under a nest 5 feet above you and spray it, and the little bastages would be dead as they rained down on you. We used to joke that they seemed to always have the same case of it because it was so effective that you could just show them the can and they'd die.

No telling how many Chinese died on the other side of the earth from the residuals sinking through the Earth's strata straight through the core to their vegetables. I'd give a ton of $$$ for a case now. Cans of death.
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The Chinese!
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My husband says throw water on them, then co2 (small CO2 canister with nozzle that you can open and close). He says they will freeze, drop, and shatter.
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I have paper wasps living under the cover between the propane bottles on my trailer. They act all huffy when I open it, waving their legs around, but so far they let me adjust the knobs without trying to sting me. That changes, they have to die.
When I lived south of Houston, there was a paper wasp nest under the overhang in front of the front door. It started small, but after four or five years was quite large.

On several occasions, I saw someone coming up the sidewalk, probably door to door salesmen, and went to the door to meet them, but they never knocked. I guess they turned around and skidaddled out of there as soon as they saw the nest.

They never bothered me much. The most they ever did was bump into me which I understand is a warning from them.

One year they started to get more aggressive than previously and for several days there would be five to ten of them bumping me as I walked up to the house.

"wasps"? Is that what you call crack heads? Cause you're describing crack heads.
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I've been fighting a wasp/yellow jacket nest in the balcony of our new house. I have literally hit these ****ers with 3 cans of Raid, and they literally have fallen down, rolled on the ground a sec, then flown away.

I'm trying the soap and water mixture tonight. Never had heard that before, but I don't wanna buy more Raid when it ain't workin'.
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I chose to spray them with hairspray. It stiffens their wings and they just fall to the ground without dying. Now they are at your mercy. Kill one or two of them and the others will start talking. Keep in mind the hairspray does not permanently stiffen their wings, so be prepared to work fast.
This is like some ISIS shtt....
Would be even better if you did it on a hot sunny day and happened to have a magnifying glass in your hand so you could go straight old school medieval on them with the childhood weapon of choice.....
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I've been fighting a wasp/yellow jacket nest in the balcony of our new house. I have literally hit these ****ers with 3 cans of Raid, and they literally have fallen down, rolled on the ground a sec, then flown away.

I'm trying the soap and water mixture tonight. Never had heard that before, but I don't wanna buy more Raid when it ain't workin'.

Gotta tag team them. After they hit the ground one must swoop in with hairspray and a lighter and properly dry them off.
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I've been fighting a wasp/yellow jacket nest in the balcony of our new house. I have literally hit these ****ers with 3 cans of Raid, and they literally have fallen down, rolled on the ground a sec, then flown away.

I'm trying the soap and water mixture tonight. Never had heard that before, but I don't wanna buy more Raid when it ain't workin'.
Get the actual wasp/hornet spray. That shiz works, and works well. Even the cheap stuff from Home Depot works awesomely and has about a 15' jet spray so you don't have to get up close and personal with the kamikaze dive bombers from Satan.

Not too long after we moved into our current house, I was out one weekend power washing the front (house faces north, not much sun, gets kind of mildew-ey after a while). Apparently one of the gables on the front was home to a rather large colony of red wasps. Evil little bastages. When the spray hit the gap between the facia trim and the roof, I apparently insulted one of them's mother and he came after me. Butthole got me right on the side of my neck too, hurt something fierce for a little while. Once I realized what it was and where they came from, a declaration of war was proposed and agreed upon, then battle was executed.

I got about a half dozen cans of the spray, a step ladder so that I could get level with their access point and then I let loose the dogs of war. Holy hell, there was more of them than I had anticipated - little bastages came out of that opening like the aliens did from the mothership in "Independence Day".

I was in a precarious position for a while, being on top of an 8 foot step ladder. In fact, I probably looked like an absolute idiot to passers-by and my neighbors. But I started to get pretty dang good at shooting them down in flight. It became a game. I used up all of my cans and there must have been 300 wasp bodies on the ground. It was spectacularly awesome. I then crawled up in the attic and heaved a couple of bug fogger bombs into the crawl space where that gable was to finish off any stragglers.
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I caught a red wasp in my trailer with a paper towel yesterday and set it free outside.
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I caught a red wasp in my trailer with a paper towel yesterday and set it free outside.

A real '98'er would've put that sumbeach in a sammich or in your cheek like some snuff.
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Y'all are full of ****.

I hit the little devils square on. Out of 20 minutes, I killed 4. And the only reason they died is because they got knocked down and I was able to step on them in time. Probably 15 or so in this nest. Most of the rest it didn't even phase.

So put this up there with the Raid wasp & hornet spray of **** that doesn't work.
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Y'all are full of ****.

I hit the little devils square on. Out of 20 minutes, I killed 4. And the only reason they died is because they got knocked down and I was able to step on them in time. Probably 15 or so in this nest. Most of the rest it didn't even phase.

So put this up there with the Raid wasp & hornet spray of **** that doesn't work.

You want something that works faster than anything else I have ever seen... try this.

Berryman 0116 B-12 Chemtool Carburetor/Fuel Treatment and Injector Cleaner - 15 oz. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000CCMNAG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_80SJxbJG5CBE0

Plus it comes with a straw for more precise aim.
The Fall Guy
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My son got mad at me today. Slammed the truck door and went to the front door. Turned around and yelled "I am.not going to practice!"

Above him was 5 yellow jackets making a nest and when he yelled they scattered and one came down and stung my son's face.

I high fived the yellow jacket before killing them.
The Collective
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They don't always die right away. The key is to soak the hell out of their nest, so that they slowly die off when they return. Dispose of their nest the next morning.
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Y'all are full of ****.

I hit the little devils square on. Out of 20 minutes, I killed 4. And the only reason they died is because they got knocked down and I was able to step on them in time. Probably 15 or so in this nest. Most of the rest it didn't even phase.

So put this up there with the Raid wasp & hornet spray of **** that doesn't work.

You want something that works faster than anything else I have ever seen... try this.

Berryman 0116 B-12 Chemtool Carburetor/Fuel Treatment and Injector Cleaner - 15 oz. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000CCMNAG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_80SJxbJG5CBE0

Plus it comes with a straw for more precise aim.
I was weedeating the fence last year when I got popped by a yellow jacket or 2 or 3...I didn't know the nest was tehre and when I hit the fence post with the trimmer it must have pissed them off.

Anyhoo I was pissed....so I went for the wasp killer (we were out and as an aside that night bought no less than 10 cans as a SHTF Wasp prepper base).

So I grabbed some Briggs and Stratton carb cleaner...and sprayed those MF'ers They died a horrible utterly satisfying death...
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Ok, so if we're telling stories I have a few. Flying, stinging insects is my only irrational fear. Snakes, spiders, dark, etc. None of that bothers me. But I am completely unmanned by wasps.

I have had an ongoing battle with bald faced hornets since we bought our house. I had several 60-70 foot red spruce and white pines around the house and they just loved to build their nests in there. You would get the occasional dive bombing when going about your business, and you'd get the occasional hornet in the house that was always lots of fun. My dumbass setter loved to try to catch them in her mouth which pissed them off and they figured I was fatter and slower, so why not come sting me? I got the last laugh in March when I cut down the trees. No more hornets.

Or so I thought.

My house was built in '81, and not being in Texas, it didn't have central AC. What it did have was two "window units" permanently installed through the walls. One in the Master bedroom and one in the living room. I installed central air in the house back in 2010, but didn't really want to deal with holes in the wall at the time, so I just left the old units. We did new siding this spring, so the time had come to deal with the old AC units. The Mexicans ripped them out of the house and sided up the outside, and then it was up to me to deal with fixing the drywall where they had been. The master bedroom was uneventful, but when I ripped out the drywall around the hole to frame up and patch the living room, a gigantic hornet nest fell out of the wall into my living room. I screamed like a little girl, peed a little, and backed up. Thankfully it was an old nest, and it was icy cold outside that time of year anyway. I cleaned all the nest out of the wall and patched it up. It still gives me willies to think of the thousands of freakin hornets that were inches from me and my home.

My best story is not my finest moment. Right after we moved to WV I was mowing the yard. I kept seeing yellow jackets buzzing around one corner as I went around that part of the yard. On pass six or seven I spotted the hole. I kept mowing, plotting my attack. Somehow, I decided that the best course of action was to park the lawn mower over the hole, rationalizing that the yellow jackets would hear the commotion, fly out of the hole an into the rotating blades of death above. It was a bullet proof plan. On the next pass, I parked the mower over the hole, and stood there for several seconds, pleased with my genius plan. At that point, my legs erupted in fire as I got lit up. I ran off screaming, and suffering from a dozen or so yellowjacket stings. I had to crush one MFer who was sitting on my thigh just popping me repeatedly. I sought refuge and solace from my wife, who listened to my story, and then laughed and called me the "stupidest smart person she knows". I consoled myself, finished mowing the next day, and dumped a quart of gasoline down the hole after dark, which I promptly ignited, and "killed it with fire".

F wasps.

Also, mowing yellow jackets does not work.
Bitter Old Man
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Bitter Old Man
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I consoled myself, finished mowing the next day, and dumped a quart of gasoline down the hole after dark, which I promptly ignited, and "killed it with fire".
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I share your disgust for the *******s.

Which is why I love the toilet wasps picture so much.
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Could always do this

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Yep, really soapy water will knockem dead. Learned it from an old guy I grew up next door to. His explanation was that the soap bubble gets over their mouth and they can't breathe. Don't know if that is true but I made a mini-business out of killing and removing wasps nests when I was a kid by using this exact technique. It also is better than trying to coat a nest in the chemical killer shown above. No poison to clean up later either.
Been doing this for years. The target species are exoskeletal and apparently breath through their skin. The soap suffocates them. I like to think that I can hear them gasping for breath. I just like to watch them die.
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Am I the only one who slaps the shrubs with the pruners and backs away with cat like reflexes looking for Wasps to come shooting out at me prior to trimming? It must be a pretty funny site to see a dude of my exceptional girth move that fast and nimble. F!@* Wasps!
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We've been finding one or two wasps in the house of late, mostly in my girls' rooms and their play room. I crawled around in the attic the other day doing the dance with death due to the heat and found a nest up there that I promptly saturated with spray. I also put a trap up there just in case. Didn't see anything else so I kind of thought that was it.

Today I get a call from my wife who is in tears telling me that my oldest daughter is hurt. I'm starting to freak the **** out because of the situation, only to be told that she's hurt because a red wasp stung her on the neck. I figured "well, that does hurt and it does suck". Told the wife and both my girls that I was going to come home and instantly go wasp hunting to make sure no more are left. They are crying, but understand and I thought that would be it.

Nope. Just got a call from my wife that she's now taking them to her sisters house for the night because they are, in her words, "terrified and inconsolable". The fact that my wife is allowing this to happen, to my dissatisfaction, now has her mad at me. Awesome. Can't wait to go home today.

Effing wasps.
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Nope. Just got a call from my wife that she's now taking them to her sisters house for the night because they are, in her words, "terrified and inconsolable". The fact that my wife is allowing this to happen, to my dissatisfaction, now has her mad at me. Awesome. Can't wait to go home today.

Effing wasps.

This is clearly your failure. You have not protected your family in spite of your PRIOR KNOWLEDGE that there were wasps in your house.

You will never live this down.
Bitter Old Man
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Nope. Just got a call from my wife that she's now taking them to her sisters house for the night because they are, in her words, "terrified and inconsolable". The fact that my wife is allowing this to happen, to my dissatisfaction, now has her mad at me. Awesome. Can't wait to go home today.

Effing wasps.

This is clearly your failure. You have not protected your family in spite of your PRIOR KNOWLEDGE that there were wasps in your house.

You will never live this down.
Yep, this happened to me with scorpions. My wife had been nagging me about getting a pest control service for a while because of spiders and bugs, etc. Of course I said, we don't need it I can handle with poisons/traps. Wouldn't you know, damned scorpion dropped into our bed in the middle of the night and stung her on the arm about 2 a.m.

I called the pest control company the next day....
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So what I got out of this is you get a free night at home to yourself
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This is the thread that keeps on giving
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C'mon old man spray the house yourself
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And slept by yourself ( besides the other scorpions, of course) for two weeks, right!
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Trust me, I know this.

Even the fact that I spent 30 minutes in the attic the other day when it was about 718 degrees, and was successful in both finding a single hive as well as setting a trap, is all for naught now.
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About a year ago, my sister heard buzzing in the house, went looking and found about 50 bees inside the house in one particular window. Most of the bees were dying or dead...very sluggish. We went looking and found a bunch of bees hanging around one corner of the house. Called the landlord and he sent a beekeeper out. The man cut into the siding and ended up pulling out about 70,000 bees and 60 pounds of hive....from my damn wall. I wanted to move but could not break the lease.

I hate bees/wasps. I'm allergic so I really hate them. And they were living in the wall by my bedroom. Freaking scary how easily I could have died.
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I have way too many encounters to, well, count, but it's always good for a laugh when my wife and kids get to see me run like a little girl after spraying the MFs nests when they show up around the house.

Probably my most memorable one was when I was a kid. Got in the car to go to church and felt something in my hair (yes, I had some at one point). Casually reached up to grab whatever it was and it was a wasp. Stung me twice on my hand before I nearly gave my parents' Malibu station wagon a new sunroof.
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