What are your thoughts about using Tilson for a build in the country?
I know who you work for and the simple fact is that Tilson does not follow your specs. They did not vibrate my slab and they did not post tension it according to specs. Within 24 hours I had a crack from front to back through both of my porches. I had to call and yell at a Vice President with Tilson to get my slab post tensioned over 24 hours out of spec.
I talked to a director at your company who told me that your specs are basically meaningless and it didn't matter when it was post tentioned.
What a joke but I guess it was better than nothing
Colt and Giddings,
Where are y'all located in Lee Co. My family lives in Dime Box.
Is it really that bad buying land and then having a home built? (This is more to the owners instead of the builders) When all was said and done, would you recommend it?
All I can be certain of is that we inspect and document the placing of reinforcing in all slabs before concrete placement. We inherit 10 years of liability on every slab we design so we really have no logical reason to allow builders to cut corners. We've been in business since 1964 and I can assure you that we would be out of business if our slabs weren't up to snuff. I think we need to do a better job on the education and customer service side and talking with homeowners about what to expect from their slabs.
Where are people using finger jointed studs?
Gaeke did an addition I my moms school in Houston and they LOVED them. Great service, caring family, quality work, deadlines met. Even did some above and beyond stuff for them for covered walkways, etc when in climate weather hit.
I was a BQ with one of their kids, they always made sure we had a hot meal on game day.