Shameless bump.

My wife is agitating to go back to yellowstone because her brother wants to go. We'd be in the cabin again at Henry's Fork.

Trying to decide if I want to go, or do something else for vacation. Plenty of Henry's Fork that I didn't hit. Which is essentially the part that isn't stocked, that has only wild fish.

Not terribly confident in my ability to catch fish at Yellowstone. Given the poor conditions last year, and little action I saw while I was there, along with being told that the fish are spooked very easily there.

Too bad my wife's brother doesn't flyfish. Would make the decision easier.

And with my family and wife's brother's family there, mother-in-law sure to make an appearance, busting my chops. "So you need 4 rods, huh? 4 rods for one person? Wow, I wish I was that rich that I could waste money on stupid things." Not to my face of course. Behind my back.