A friend of mine gave me a WWII Luger P08. It is in bad condition, as you can tell by the crummy cell phone picture. I cannot get the slide to open, and what is left of the magazine will not detach from the gun. The mag release button and others are stuck in place. Who knows, there could still be a live round in the chamber from the 40's. Anyways, I want to take it to a gunsmith. I know it is in very rough shape, but I'm hoping that someone skilled can restore it to working condition once again. Any recommendations? I'm located in CS, but willing to drive to Houston or similar distances to find a reputable gunsmith.
[This message has been edited by aggie_2010 (edited 11/7/2011 10:22p).]
[This message has been edited by aggie_2010 (edited 11/7/2011 10:22p).]