Feb 2018 bought this system on advice from electronics guru, computer builder son for
one story house/studio 1750sf V-shaped w/foil faced ext.insul.bd as the only "metal" barrier (also surrounds studio where main unit RBR40 resides).
Capable of 1-2.2Gig speeds, Optimum cable supplying 300Mpbs
Problem speeds and have tweaked ala Google EVERYthing possible:
.... Old ASUS Biz computer 300Mbps (when Optimum is not throttling back, in this student city, aka stealing services w/o fees paid back)
.... 2021 ZTE Z719DL Android 7.1.1 cell "turtle" ideal top speed 26Mbps AFTER tweaking
.... 2023 Rear BR Sony TV was also 26Mbps, now tweaked to 152Mbps
.... 2024 Samsung Ao3s Android 13 cell 323.5Mbps post tweaking
1. replace Orbi system with another 3 or more units mesh BUT Ao3s does fine WiFi (as does ASUS via cable) ... and with what? Amazon best reviews @ $300+?
2. replace ZTE as out of date (except for the hassle, wouldn't I love to ... a new iPhone is staring at me to activate it)
3. replace the SONY TV? sigh
4. as stated, already tweaked this and more e.g.
https://community.netgear.com/t5/Orbi-Wi-Fi-5-AC-and-Orbi-with/ORBI-Wifi-speeds-slow/m-p/1977679 including locations with meters e.g. WiFiMan, WiFiAnalyzer, etc. etc.
Cluless now ......
one story house/studio 1750sf V-shaped w/foil faced ext.insul.bd as the only "metal" barrier (also surrounds studio where main unit RBR40 resides).
Capable of 1-2.2Gig speeds, Optimum cable supplying 300Mpbs
Problem speeds and have tweaked ala Google EVERYthing possible:
.... Old ASUS Biz computer 300Mbps (when Optimum is not throttling back, in this student city, aka stealing services w/o fees paid back)
.... 2021 ZTE Z719DL Android 7.1.1 cell "turtle" ideal top speed 26Mbps AFTER tweaking
.... 2023 Rear BR Sony TV was also 26Mbps, now tweaked to 152Mbps
.... 2024 Samsung Ao3s Android 13 cell 323.5Mbps post tweaking
1. replace Orbi system with another 3 or more units mesh BUT Ao3s does fine WiFi (as does ASUS via cable) ... and with what? Amazon best reviews @ $300+?
2. replace ZTE as out of date (except for the hassle, wouldn't I love to ... a new iPhone is staring at me to activate it)
3. replace the SONY TV? sigh
4. as stated, already tweaked this and more e.g.
https://community.netgear.com/t5/Orbi-Wi-Fi-5-AC-and-Orbi-with/ORBI-Wifi-speeds-slow/m-p/1977679 including locations with meters e.g. WiFiMan, WiFiAnalyzer, etc. etc.
Cluless now ......
Ten words or less ... a goal unattainable