* Halo 5: Guardians Thread *

19,400 Views | 207 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by HossAg
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Figured I'd start up a game thread on this one. 343 the studio behind it and releases on 10/27.

I'll be pre-ordering this one (not sure from whom yet) because I'm a sucker for the single player campaign, the Master Chief character and just the universe in general. Tons of new info from E3 this year on the new game mode - Warzone.

Pre-order bonus details - http://teambeyond.net/halo-5-guardians-pre-order-bonuses/

Two special versions of the game - http://teambeyond.net/halo-5-guardians-limited-collectors-editions-detailed/

Hunt the Truth podcast - https://m.soundcloud.com/huntthetruth/sets/hunt-the-truth (Well-done and setting the scene for Guardians.)

E3 footage -

Old Trailer -

Conan plays Halo 5 -

Warzone footage -

Gamertags (TA screename) :

Darth Pman
a TXaggie m (3Daggie)
The Varian
Keester11 (jeffk)
deathmullet76 (wee_ag)
LuckyArsenalAg (wangus12)
The Aggie (jr15aggie)
Jacobin DylCoop (Maveric)
KBridge20 (k20dub)
NSAspycam (Iced-T14)
Vade281 (jr281)
TICKLER21 (JoeCalAg05)
i TheRufio i (Ewok It Out08)
Tunejuice (codenamedutchess)
b1gbass1170 (bigbass1170)
oilfieldAGGIE11 (aggieREX11)
JRyder05 (jarAGGIE05)
Marooned Aggie (Maroon_liquid)
DeathbyNagle (EarlyAg07)
GigEmGarcia (ctexAg11)
DongosaurusRex (Greg09Ag)
bulletspong99 (aggie4231)
spahneebohim (AGnBCS)
i TheRufio i (Ewok it Out08)
ilikethatpandaa (Pandaggie)
Jatt Ag (Larry Tate)
oilfieldAGGIE11 (aggieREX11)
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Not all my video links are showing up, maybe the files are too big?
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Ok, I should probably make separate thread about this, and I will eventually, but it needs to be said:

Anybody who loves video games needs to stop preordering them. This isn't 2003 when retailers only received a couple hundred copies of the game and didn't get anymore until weeks later, and the preorder bonuses are (usually) just meaningless superficial garbage. All preordering does is remove accountability from the equation. When developers know they already have X amount of sales months and months before the game is released, they have no incentive to finish strong and deliver a high-quality, polished product at release. We've seen this happen with Battlefield 4, Ghosts, Advanced Warfare, as well as Halo: The Master Chief Collection, and many others recently. Stop giving these developers a sale, or a portion of a sale, before you even try out their product.

The same thing goes for season passes...roughly 80% of gamers who buy a season pass end up not even downloading all of the content, and the content is often very underwhelming anyway. Make them deliver quality before you hand over your money.

It's unfortunate that most consumers of gaming products are either children or adults who still have a child-like understanding of out consumer-driven market. If we want to get more quality games, we have to stop freaking out over preorder "bonuses" and "day zero editions" and start purchasing only once we've determined it's not a s*** product. Or AT THE VERY LEAST, if you don't want to wait to play, just wait until release day to buy it. Don't give them sales before they're finishing developing the game.

/rant. Disagree if you wish.
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After the abortion that was Master Chief Collection I'm doubting if I even get Halo 5. I was so pumped up for that game and it was the worst launch I've ever seen. I'm still not sure that they have everything ironed out with it.
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Now, to answer your question, OP.

I dislike Halo 4 multiplayer, but 343's absolute butchering of the Master Chief Collection was the final straw for me. That pissed me off (and things about that game continue to piss me off) more than anything else I've ever experienced since picking up video games roughly 22 years ago. I hate 343, especially that dumb clueless ***** Bonnie Ross, more than I can even put into words. To those who say 343 is essentially Bungie, no, they are not. They took a couple of people from Bungie, and that was the extent of it.

As a result, I refuse to ever give 343 another dime if I can help it. I will be reading a lot of player reviews of this game after it comes out, and if I feel like it's worth picking up, I'll buy it used, play the campaign, and trade it back in.

I probably won't play much multiplayer. I played some of the Halo 5 beta, and dear lord it was complete trash. They left sprinting in, added some ground pounding ****, and put a jet pack on everybody...terrible.

Halo 3 is the pinnacle of Halo. I'll just keep playing that as long as possible. The gameplay in the Halo franchise is now a shell of its former self.
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I'll be pre-ordering this one (not sure from whom yet) because I'm a sucker for the single player campaign, the Master Chief character and just the universe in general.

I'm not trying to be a dick here...but you do realize you can experience the single player campaign, the master chief character, and the universe in general WITHOUT preordering the game, right? You won't get a meaningless preorder bonus, but will you really care after about a week of playing the game? I can answer that question for you...no, you won't.
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Nailed all the reasons I wont be picking up this game.
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Hmmm... Strong opinions. I get what you're saying about the preorder and season pass trend, but that's here to stay. Too much hoopla over game releases and too many folks buying them early or on release day so they can jump online and play with their buddies that night

In my case, I preorder for discounts ($10 back from the MS store in my case) and so I can have it day one and get started playing. Also, I resell my hard copies of games once I'm done with them and make roughly 50% back on the sale via eBay (been doing this for years with no problems).

As far as the brokenness of MCC, I read somewhere that most of the work on the MCC was farmed out to other smaller developers since 343 was working on H5. The majority of the problems were with MP anyway, which didn't bother me much being a single player guy anyway.
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Agreed on all accounts. I don't preorder any simply because I don't need more "skins" for my character and because I'm not ever going to a midnight game release here in Dallas.
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Halo 3 is the pinnacle of Halo. I'll just keep playing that as long as possible. The gameplay in the Halo franchise is now a shell of its former self.
Everything after Halo 3 was extremely disappointing. Halo MCC launch was the worse launch I have ever seen and has completely pushed me away from the 343 and the Halo series.
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You guys are totally killing my buzz.
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I'm curious why anyone chose to buy the MCC. Same games that all of us already have, just with updated graphics.
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Sold my xbox and 360 when I bought Xbox one.

Wanted to play Halo.

Pretty straightforward.
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But in with you Jeff. Not really excited about the multilayer, but can't wait for the campaign and the story.

and Buck/Nathan Fillion has a prominent role
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Yeah, it was cool to see him on the gameplay at E3.

I haven't exactly figured out how they're going to wrap the HTT podcast stuff into the gameplay. Or what a guardian is for that matter, but it should be fun!

Oh, and 343 gave me a remastered ODST to try to make up for the craptastic launch.
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I'm curious why anyone chose to buy the MCC. Same games that all of us already have, just with updated graphics.

If you want to play multiplayer, you can do so on any of the Halo maps ever with just putting in one disc. What's not to like about that?
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I'm curious why anyone chose to buy the MCC. Same games that all of us already have, just with updated graphics.

If you want to play multiplayer, you can do so on any of the Halo maps ever with just putting in one disc. What's not to like about that?

That's cool, but not worth the price of a full game imo
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Yeah, it was cool to see him on the gameplay at E3.

I haven't exactly figured out how they're going to wrap the HTT podcast stuff into the gameplay. Or what a guardian is for that matter, but it should be fun!

Oh, and 343 gave me a remastered ODST to try to make up for the craptastic launch.

A remastered ODST is a distraction, and they only gave it to people who bought the game in the first couple of weeks it was out, even though the game was broken for FOUR ****ING MONTHS. What they should have done was say "hey, we really screwed up. We're sorry. We are delaying all work on Halo 5 until MCC is completely fixed." Then they should have advertised the **** out of the fact that it was fixed, and made sure they got the player population back up so that we can enjoy this game for the life of the XB1. Oh, and also give all of the half-assed apology DLC to everybody, for free.

Instead, they ****ed all of us by pretending there was nothing wrong, releasing bull**** updates for about 3 months that did absolutely nothing, and then basically saying nothing when they finally got it working. Why did they do this? Because don't want to draw any more attention to the fact that it was broken in the first place. They don't gain anything by adding player population to MCC they already have all of our money. All they care about now is Halo 5, so they're just going to let MCC die.

For that, I say **** 343, **** Halo 5, and **** anything else those pieces of **** do in the future unless it happens to be fixing MCC.

I say again...**** 343.

Sorry, I'm very...uh, passionate about this. I get carried away when I talk about it. I loved Halo 1-3.
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I see that.

Maybe a little too passionately.
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Maybe I should just stick to watching the Halo 5 cutscenes movie when it gets posted on YouTube
Punked Shank
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I'm curious why anyone chose to buy the MCC. Same games that all of us already have, just with updated graphics.

That's cool, but not worth the price of a full game imo

I picked it off Amazon brand new. $30 with prime shipping bout a month or so ago. Stoked on it.
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What the heck is going on up in here. My man jeffk is simply asking who wants to play some Halo 5. Some of y'all need a sympathy violin for your 1st world problems when video games don't work perfectly.

Halo 5: I'm in. Add me to the list so they can mock and scorn us.

Good chance I'll show up for single player and pass on MP... but the Warzone stuff definitely has me interested! I bet we can have some fun with it... but it's only got around 20 days to hold my attention before Star Wars Battlefront comes out... pretty sure Halo 5 will take a back seat to that one.
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What the heck is going on up in here. My man jeffk is simply asking who wants to play some Halo 5. Some of y'all need a sympathy violin for your 1st world problems when video games don't work perfectly.

Halo 5: I'm in. Add me to the list so they can mock and scorn us.

Good chance I'll show up for single player and pass on MP... but the Warzone stuff definitely has me interested! I bet we can have some fun with it... but it's only got around 20 days to hold my attention before Star Wars Battlefront comes out... pretty sure Halo 5 will take a back seat to that one.
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If you want to play Halo in the current system, just play Destiny.
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What the heck is going on up in here. My man jeffk is simply asking who wants to play some Halo 5. Some of y'all need a sympathy violin for your 1st world problems when video games don't work perfectly.

There is a pretty big difference between doesn't work perfectly and doesn't work at all. I spent almost 2 months trying to get into a big team battle game with no luck before calling Microsoft and getting a refund. That game release was the equivalent of ordering a Big Mac and it coming out with no meat on the buns.
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Was curious if anyone saw this yet. I know people are listening to the podcast, but this is a sweet vid.

Also this came yesterday

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Less than a month til launch.

And there's no way MC is dead.... right? RIGHT?!
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That trailer makes me want to go out and buy an Xbone just for this game...

Nah, I'll just borrow my friend's.
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Was curious if anyone saw this yet. I know people are listening to the podcast, but this is a sweet vid.

Also this came yesterday

Halo continues to have by far the best commercials. The quality basically blows away every other series. At this point it's pretty safe to say that Halo is probably the videogame equivalent of Star Wars in both impact and shear epic scale.

I still think a Halo movie that followed the Halo storyline would instantly become the next major scifi blockbuster universe. The potential is simply enormous.
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Less than a month til launch.

And there's no way MC is dead.... right? RIGHT?!
He's not dead! I remember the Halo 3 stuff that alluded to his demise as well. Shoot, even the basic ending left us wondering if he was a gonner... but nope, he was still alive.

Not dead... and certainly not dead by a falling building... Chief ain't going down like that!
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I still think a Halo movie that followed the Halo storyline would instantly become the next major scifi blockbuster universe. The potential is simply enormous
Can you imagine the budget they'd need to CGI all the Covenant. Not that I'd care. Definitely would be in for it.
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I still think a Halo movie that followed the Halo storyline would instantly become the next major scifi blockbuster universe. The potential is simply enormous
Can you imagine the budget they'd need to CGI all the Covenant. Not that I'd care. Definitely would be in for it.

I remember my initial reaction to Forward Unto Dawn being that I wanted more. And the Master Chief was barely in that.
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