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2:02p, 11/30/13
2:19p, 11/30/13
Fightintxag - Xbone
8:16p, 11/30/13
Where the heck have you been on xbone mike.
11:19a, 12/2/13
ANyone seen any Cyber Monday deals on BF4 Premium?

I may be in the market.
11:20a, 12/2/13

I'd be interested in this as well.
11:21a, 12/2/13
Doubt premium goes on sale for the XB1 or 360. PC, yes, but I don't think it was ever on sale for BF3 until all of the xpacks had been released.
11:32a, 12/2/13
Just wrap your kid in paper towels for a week and spend his diaper money on premium.
11:39a, 12/2/13
I have 2 problems keeping me away from BF4 Premium:

1. I'm pretty sure I'll go all-in for Titanfall and get premium/season pass/whatever they call it.

2. BF4, although it is awesome, is broken in so many areas. I have not once been able to browse & find a server... it is always quick match or join on a friend. The audio glitches are everywhere, trying to join an XB Live party while in game never works, and game crashes are a common occurrence.
11:41a, 12/2/13
JR - I'm sure you got the memo on this one already, but Party chat only works in BF4 if you join it before you launch BF4.

Otherwise, don't be a *****. Drop the $50 and play the second assault/China Rising maps with your TexAgs friends.
11:48a, 12/2/13
Also, I may be in the minority, but I haven't noticed any issues joing games. Sometimes the server browser doesn't seem to act right and there is the occasional audio drop, but for the most part, I've been trouble free.
11:57a, 12/2/13
Last night, quick match kept putting me into squad/team deathmatch games when I was trying to join conquest. That got old pretty quick.
11:59a, 12/2/13
Last night, quick match kept putting me into squad/team deathmatch games when I was trying to join conquest. That got old pretty quick.

I think it does this when you move the cursor down after you don't immediately get thrown in to a conquest game.
12:10p, 12/2/13
So how has the Kinect head tracking worked out?

The PS4 using the controllers gyros sucks pretty bad.
12:33p, 12/2/13
Just wrap your kid in paper towels for a week and spend his diaper money on premium.

We've already invested a pretty penny in cloth diapers. I'll have to cut costs somewhere else.
1:13p, 12/2/13
Baby food. Just chew up your veggies and feed him little birdy style.
1:21p, 12/2/13
I'll have to cut costs somewhere else.

Send the wife and kid to live with your in-laws.
1:23p, 12/2/13
All good ideas. I'm making a list so keep them coming.
1:27p, 12/2/13
So how has the Kinect head tracking worked out?

head tracking while you drive is bull**** - it works decently enough but it was impossible to get used to, so I disabled it.

Leaning out from behind cover, however, works very well, and I use it fairly frequently.
1:41p, 12/2/13
cool to hear! i had high hopes for the freelooking in choppers. maybe they'll refine it in the next game.
2:43p, 12/2/13
I don't know about next gen and pc, but I just picked up the 360 version and it sucks. Graphics are so bad and grainy. Can't even see enemies because of it. Back to call of duty where I can enjoy much better graphics and 60 fps, along with consistent hit boxes. I actually like bf3 on 360, but this game is a joke
2:50p, 12/2/13
Next Gen is 100% better. Almost always a bad idea to buy a title on a last gen system that was built/optimized for newer platforms.

Sorry that you had a bad experience. I agree that it sucks on the 360. Buy Pilmer's XB1 and join us.
3:12p, 12/2/13
Head tracking works perfect for me, I just have to get used to the aiming reticle moving around the screen as I free look since I never did in the prior BF series.
3:32p, 12/2/13
I'll pick up next gen once I get in and out of college. Too much of a distraction during college
3:34p, 12/2/13
3:36p, 12/2/13
some of my best college memories were 8 man Halo 2 tournaments between dorm rooms. get your priorities straight.
3:58p, 12/2/13
Ha laugh all you want Pilmer. My dad got me hooked on this site when he introduced me to pick off. Yeah I remember playing halo 2 when I was like 8 or 9.
3:59p, 12/2/13
And priorities straight for me is getting pretty much all A's in college.
4:40p, 12/2/13
Not gonna lie, I wish I had done the same thing while I was in school.
5:05p, 12/2/13
Halo 2 tournaments?
5:36p, 12/2/13
Last night, quick match kept putting me into squad/team deathmatch games when I was trying to join conquest. That got old pretty quick.

I think it does this when you move the cursor down after you don't immediately get thrown in to a conquest game.

Nope, it did it to me at least a dozen times in a row.
5:54p, 12/2/13
Yeah quick match sucks on xbox too
6:16p, 12/2/13
JR - I'm sure you got the memo on this one already, but Party chat only works in BF4 if you join it before you launch BF4.

Otherwise, don't be a *****. Drop the $50 and play the second assault/China Rising maps with your TexAgs friends.

Yep, I know about the party chat trick... And I will be getting the first few map packs so I can keep playing with the big boys, but I'm not paying up front for them all.
6:20p, 12/2/13
And priorities straight for me is getting pretty much all A's in college.

So glad online gaming (on consoles) didn't exist when I was in school. But we did have Goldeneye on the 64 which was almost as bad when you lived in a dorm. Had to take that crap home before finals one year... They were not happy with me! 4 player split screen on the 20"... You know what I'm talking about.
7:24p, 12/2/13
There's no way to buy the expansions without premium right now, is there?
7:50p, 12/2/13
And priorities straight for me is getting pretty much all A's in college.

So glad online gaming (on consoles) didn't exist when I was in school. But we did have Goldeneye on the 64 which was almost as bad when you lived in a dorm. Had to take that crap home before finals one year... They were not happy with me! 4 player split screen on the 20"... You know what I'm talking about.

Haha I remember playing split screen on a 17 inch square monitor on the old GameCube when I was little. Don't understand how we even made out what we saw on the screen. Had a lot of good times on that thing though.
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