redag06 said:
Mr.Bond said:
It is shocking to me how the ***** in nashville can "own" a color though
It's shocking to me that people want the color of a team that wanted nothing to do with this city. Give it up.
I get the nostalgia, but this team has been around for 20 plus years
It was one stupid demon of a geezer who didn't want anything to do with the city.
Don't mix up the franchise for the Adams.
The Oilers perfectly represented what Houston was in the 70s and 80s - working class town that grew up into something special. Short of winning a Super Bowl, I'm not sure the Texans will ever replicate the passion for the Oilers at their peak.
I'd pay $1,000 to chip into the massive fine the franchise got if they ever just rolled up in the Columbia Blue for a game, although I suspect they'd be made to forfeit if they didn't change uniforms.