Will try to keep this concise.
Currently employed in sales with zero job security concerns and I have the flexibility I want. Been with current company 3.5 years, I am new to the industry this company is in.
I have a combined 8.5 years in sales and 12 years in logistics, supply chain, operations.
Thinking about starting to look, and love sales, but not in love with my industry. Reason for looking is I'm big on focusing on controlling what I can control, but with continuous company changes the past 2.5 years I have very little control in my current role and not interested in changing roles within my current company.
I also think I could make more money in sales, just not selling in the right industry, for example a big sale for me is $100k. I don't think my current company is treating me unfairly, I've looked within the industry and everyone I interview with says they want me, but can't afford me - I don't mean to sound arrogant, that's literally what I've been told. I'm near the top sales person for my company (around $4M annually) in this market for what I do so it isn't for a lack of execution.
I'm in Houston, would it be a terrible time to change?
Currently employed in sales with zero job security concerns and I have the flexibility I want. Been with current company 3.5 years, I am new to the industry this company is in.
I have a combined 8.5 years in sales and 12 years in logistics, supply chain, operations.
Thinking about starting to look, and love sales, but not in love with my industry. Reason for looking is I'm big on focusing on controlling what I can control, but with continuous company changes the past 2.5 years I have very little control in my current role and not interested in changing roles within my current company.
I also think I could make more money in sales, just not selling in the right industry, for example a big sale for me is $100k. I don't think my current company is treating me unfairly, I've looked within the industry and everyone I interview with says they want me, but can't afford me - I don't mean to sound arrogant, that's literally what I've been told. I'm near the top sales person for my company (around $4M annually) in this market for what I do so it isn't for a lack of execution.
I'm in Houston, would it be a terrible time to change?